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Cliff Kincaid begins Campaign to bring Glenn Beck back to Fox News

Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy In Media and America’s Survival Inc. wants Glenn Beck backed on Fox News. Called the “Bring Back Beck” campaign, Kincaid claims that George Soros forced Beck, who used his platform on Fox to air an underhandedly anti-Semitic ‘documentary’ about Soros, off the air by funding organizations that demanded Fox drop Beck from the network. Kincaid also attacked Fox News in his statement for hiring political commentators Jehmu Greene and Sally Kohn, whom he attacked for being gay, saying “lesbianism is not a lifestyle that should be promoted by a national television network.” He warned that Rupert Murdoch may soon be “turning the media giant over to his liberal son, James,” which makes it all the more necessary to “negotiate Beck’s return at the earliest possible date”:

"Fox News has been disintegrating since Soros-funded groups forced Glenn Beck off the air," declared ASI President Cliff Kincaid. "His show was replaced by a program featuring Democratic Party hack Bob Beckel, who regularly insults conservatives. It's time for Glenn Beck, now on Internet TV, to return to the cable channel so that he can continue his investigative journalism into the rapidly expanding influence of the Soros network of organizations. We urge Fox News CEO Roger Ailes to negotiate Beck's return at the earliest possible date."

Kincaid noted with alarm that Fox News has hired two left-wing feminist activists, Sally Kohn and Jehmu Greene, both of them affiliated with Jane Fonda's Women's Media Center, as paid "contributors" to the channel. "Fox is moving to the left and filling its ranks with the kind of shallow commentators we have come to associate with the little-watched cable channel MSNBC. We know that pressure from Media Matters and other Soros-funded groups is responsible for this shocking departure from the conservative message that made Fox the most popular cable channel." Soros gave Media Matters $1 million to neutralize Fox's conservative message.

Kincaid noted that the New York Times estimated that Soros gave progressive groups $860 million in 2011 alone. "This amount makes the Koch Brothers look like penny-pinchers," Kincaid added, alluding to an estimate by the New York Yorker that the libertarian billionaires have given about $100 million to conservative groups. Overall, Soros has given away over $8 billion to anti-American and far-left organizations. "It seems as though Fox News is next on his target list of acquisitions," Kincaid said, "and he is beginning to get his way."

He said left-wing groups attacking the Koch Brothers are deliberately diverting attention away from the much-greater influence of Soros, a convicted inside trader with mysterious off-shore sources of cash who is now acquiring influence over the Fox News product. "Fox should stand up to Soros," he said, "not buckle under to his financial pressure." He said this trend -- together with the reports that Rupert Murdoch, head of the Fox News parent company, News Corporation, is turning the media giant over to his liberal son, James -- is worrisome indeed.