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Cindy and Mike Jacobs: Jair Bolsonaro is Making Brazil a ‘Sheep Nation’

Mike and Cindy Jacobs present "The Word of the Lord for 2019" (Image from video posted on Generals International website.)

We reported yesterday on Religious Right leaders’ enthusiasm for Brazil’s new far-right president, Jair Bolsonaro. Last night, “prophetic” couple Cindy and Mike Jacobs portrayed Bolsonaro’s election as an answer to prayer, and urged their followers to continue praying for Bolsonaro so that he can “establish God’s kingdom” in Brazil.

The Jacobs’ comments came as part of a half-hour video in which they shared “the Word of the Lord for 2019”—a compilation of prophesies and declarations made during recent gatherings of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, a leadership group within the dominionist New Apostolic Reformation that has been meeting annually since 1999, and the Global Prophetic Summit, a “convergence of seasoned and emerging prophetic voices from across 50 nations” that Cindy hosted in Dallas in November. Cindy and Mike Jacobs are founders of Generals International, whose stated purpose is “changing lives and transforming nations.” Cindy is also a member of the council of the Trump-supporting POTUS Shield network.

While much of the video talks about ways people can respond to God’s promise of “joyful increase” and “amazing multiplication” in their faith, joy and financial blessings, the Jacobses also talked about advances that were made in 2018 in “possessing the gates of the enemy”—coincidentally, the title of one of Cindy’s books.

Cindy referred to the release of pastors and other victims of religious persecution who had been held in custody, and said that they have been seeing open doors to government leaders, with “prophet after prophet after prophet” having meetings with presidents and royalty—something they didn’t see too often a few years ago.

They also spoke about how more churches are talking about the five-fold ministry—which includes the idea that God has anointed modern-day apostles and prophets—and the seven mountains—the dominionist framework for the right kind of Christians to take their rightful place at the top of “mountains” of cultural influence like media, business, and government.

They said that the evangelism and prayer engaged in by spiritual warriors is creating culture shifts that will lead to countries being turned from “goat nations” (countries that are not “in line with God’s promises and God’s word”) into “sheep nations” (countries that align with God’s teachings and believe his promises to Israel).

“God is releasing the game-changers to shift governments that will allow for God’s government that has no end,” said Cindy. “Game-changers in world governments.”

Mike got more specific: “Many of us were praying during the recent elections in Brazil. And so there was a Christian president who got elected in Brazil. Now, here’s what you have to understand is, it’s not enough just to pray to get someone in office. Now you need to undergird them in prayer, so that they can begin to establish God’s kingdom in their nation. Because we want Brazil to be a sheep nation.”

Said Cindy, “Yes, and it is. It is doing that.”

For the record, Fernando Haddad, the candidate defeated by Bolsonaro, is also a Christian.