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Chuck Norris: 'Obama Has Literally Helped Build The Environment For The Apocalypse'

Chuck Norris, who warned of “1,000 years of darkness” if President Obama won his 2012 re-election campaign, writes today that “Obama has literally helped build the environment for the Apocalypse, as defined by both Muslims and Christians.”

Norris tells WorldNetDaily readers in his weekly column that it is “difficult to believe that a single president could make more international Middle East fiascos in a few short years.” (Really?)

According to Norris, the president is bringing Muslim refugees into the U.S. and encouraging undocumented immigrants to commit voter fraud in order to “ensure a 2016 win for the Democratic Party presidential nominee.”

As if President Obama hasn’t made enough wrong moves, now, he’s going to finish his presidency casting a wide net of amnesty and carting illegals into every American community with virtually no regard for safety in doing so. But he does have one thing in mind for certain: creating new voters in every state to ensure a 2016 win for the Democratic Party presidential nominee.

First, the Department of Homeland Security, or DHS, sent letters to all 9,000,000 green-card holders urging them to naturalize prior to the 2016 election.

PJ Media reported how it “obtained an internal ‘Dear Colleague’ letter written by Leon Rodriguez, the ‘director and co-chair of the Task Force on New Americans.’ The letter refers to a White House report called ‘Strengthening Communities by Welcoming All Residents.’” PJM added: “Leon Rodriguez has a tainted history – not only was he a central player in the radicalization of Eric Holder’s Civil Rights Division, he also ‘undertook a purportedly illegal search‘ of a government employee’s computer in Montgomery County, Maryland. (Messy details are at the Washington Post.)”

The Rodriguez’s letter states: “This report outlines an immigrant integration plan that will advance our nation’s global competitiveness and ensure that the people who live in this country can fully participate in their communities.”

Of course, “fully participate” is code for granting voting rights and specifically re-electing a Democrat president.

Their strategy is to “seed your communities” with at least 70,000 refugees a year, including Iraqis, Burmese, Bhutanese, Somalis, Cubans, Syrians and others. And the numbers of Syrians, mostly Muslim, will surpass them all.

It’s difficult to believe that a single president could make more international Middle East fiascos in a few short years: miscalculating the Arab spring, empowering the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt, failing to protect Americans in Benghazi, enabling ISIS through the complete withdraw of troops from Iraq, remaining aloof to our ally Israel, and then being calloused and obtuse with persecuted Coptic Christians. Indeed, as I just wrote in a former column, Obama has literally helped build the environment for the Apocalypse, as defined by both Muslims and Christians.