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Christine Blasey Ford Smeared by Right-Wing Media in Real Time During Testimony

(Screenshot / via CBS News)

On Capitol Hill this morning, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee about her allegations that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her in 1982, while he was drunk at a party. In real time, right-wing media relentlessly attacked Blasey Ford.

Right-wing media outlets spent the week and a half before Blasey Ford’s hearing waging a campaign to destroy her credibility, often by citing bogus nonsense. This morning, those same media figures continued their smear campaign throughout the hearing.

The Federalist’s Chad Greene jeered at Blasey Ford because, as he put it, “she destroyed a man's reputation and made extremely serious accusations and [she] cannot provide corroboration to your claims.”

Emily Zanotti at The Daily Wire, the publication headed by conservative speaker Ben Shapiro, wrote that Democrats and Blasey Ford’s “own attorneys” have “taken advantage of her in order to execute a bigger plan.”

The New York Times columnist Bari Weiss seemed to mock Blasey Ford for telling senators she felt it was her “civic duty” to come forward with her claims in a since-deleted tweet.

After writing more than 30 articles in defense of Kavanaugh, conservative blogger Erick Erickson chided reporters for “confirming the basic spin they already put on this two weeks ago.”

James “Bo Snerdley” Golden, the producer for Rush Limbaugh’s talk radio show, wrote that Blasey Ford’s testimony was “a moment the Democrat Party has schemed for - to smear a good man, try to destroy his career and his livelihood. All to advance their ideology of endless abortion. This Senate Execution is an affront to decency.”

Dinesh D’Souza said that if there were only “Democrats on the committee, today would be the contemporary equivalent of the Salem Witch Trials.”

Stefan Molyneux, a far-right YouTuber, attempted to discredit Blasey Ford by knocking her for her supposedly “endless expensive exotic hobbies.”

Allie Stuckey, a conservative pundit who spoke at the “Women for Kavanaugh” event before the hearing, described Blasey Ford as “childlike.”

Charlie Kirk, president of Turning Point USA, questioned how Blasey Ford could afford her legal counsel and stated, “There is something else going on here.”

Jack Posobiec, a Pizzagate hoaxer and One America News correspondent, said that today’s hearing was “the end game of the feminists.”

Anti-Muslim conspiracy theorist Laura Loomer said that Blasey Ford should be given “prison for life.”