During a recent episode of his "America's Black Robe Regiment" program, Rev. Bill Cook announced that his organization is going to be "combating election fraud" during the 2024 elections by heading to the swing states to warn that anyone "involved in election fraud" will be "struck dead by God."
"We're going to be combating election fraud in all the swing states," Cook said. "We're not going to just sit around and say the election was stolen and there's really nothing we can do because the other side kind of controls the levers of power. We're going to call for fasting and prayer for our elections. We're going to call for sentinels—liberty sentinels—to stand up and contend with wickedness in our electoral process."
"You read about what happened to Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5 when they lied to the Holy Spirit," Cook continued. "They were both struck dead by God in the instant. We're going to bring that story to bear on everyone who's involved in election fraud. We're going to be saying to them, 'Beware when you do this because you might just find yourself standing before God a lot sooner than you thought, and it's not going to be a happy time when you do.'"
"Nothing would cure election fraud like a couple of people dropping dead in the moment," Cook proclaimed.
Cook, who is the founder of America’s Black Robe Regiment and an ardent Christian nationalist who wants to see “the government of God [established] throughout every square inch of the Earth," issued a similarly dire warning to FBI agents last year when he declared that God will soon start killing them and sending them to Hell for arresting those involved in the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.
In December 2020, Cook was among the speakers at a prayer rally aimed at keeping former President Donald Trump in power after he lost the presidential election. Cook took to the stage that day clad in an Oath Keepers T-shirt and later in the event, Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes openly threatened bloody civil war if Trump was removed from office. Rhodes and the Oath Keepers subsequently played a key role in the Jan. 6 insurrection and last year, Rhodes was found guilty of seditious conspiracy and sentenced to 18 years in prison.
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