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Christian Nationalist Bill Cook Says God Will Start Killing FBI Agents for Arresting Jan. 6 Insurrectionists

Pastor Bill Cook, founder of America's Black Robe Regiment (Image from livestream of Dec. 12, 2021 rally on National Mall)

Rev. Bill Cook is the founder of America’s Black Robe Regiment and an ardent Christian nationalist who wants to see "the government of God [established] throughout every square inch of the Earth."

In November, Cook preached at On Fire Ministries in Spokane, Washington, which is run by far-right pastor Matt Shea, a former Washington state legislator who was stripped of his committee assignments and booted out of the Republican Party in 2019 in the wake of a report detailing how he had “participated in an act of domestic terrorism” and “planned, engaged in and promoted a total of three armed conflicts of political violence against the United States Government in three states outside the state of Washington over a three-year period.”

The remarks Cook delivered were a perfect match for the venue in which they were presented, as he used his time on stage to declare that the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol was a "psy op" carried out by the government and also to warn FBI agents who have been arresting insurrectionists that God will soon start killing them and sending them to Hell.

"It was a psy op," Cook said of Jan. 6. "It's been nothing but naked tyranny. I have friends that are in prison right now because of that."

"The thing I felt the Lord was laying on my heart this morning," he continued, "we've all heard about the FBI no-knock warrants, where they bust into homes like Simone Gold's home when she's watching TV with a friend; bust the door down, throw her on the floor. They go into other people's homes at 5:30 in the morning."

"It's a gutless, cowardly move that they do, and they are arresting people and throwing them into jail," Cook griped. "The message that God gave me this morning is that death is about to start executing no-knock warrants on the ungodly that are perpetrating stuff. And so I want to say to my friends in the FBI, 'Keep doing it because death is about to execute a no-knock warrant on you.' He's going to invade your domicile—this body—and take you out of it and when he does, you're going to stand before God and it's not going to be pleasant. You're gonna see the love of God, but it's only gonna be for a fleeting second, and when God's finished with you, he will send you to your eternal destination, eternal Hell."

In 2020, Cook was among the speakers at prayer rally aimed at keeping former President Donald Trump in power after he lost the presidential election. Cook took to the stage that day clad in an Oath Keepers T-shirt and later in the event, Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes openly threatened bloody civil war if Trump was removed from office. Rhodes and the Oath Keepers subsequently played a key role in the Jan. 6 insurrection and last year, Rhodes was found guilty of seditious conspiracy and sentenced to 18 years in prison.

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