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Chris McDonald: Obama's Call for 'New Blood' in Politics was Coded 'Pedophilia Talk'

On last night's edition of "The Mc Files" program, host Christopher McDonald and guest Mark Taylor, the so-called "firefighter prophet," asserted that a recent speech delivered by Barack Obama in which he called for "new blood" among political leaders was really coded "pedophilia talk."

Earlier this year, Obama warned that "people cling to power instead of seeing the power in other people" and asserted that this country has “a deficit of leadership and we need new blood." McDonald and Taylor claimed that Obama's comments were actually a secret message that a purported network of elite satanic pedophiles who supposedly control the world are "losing their influence," thanks to President Trump.

"On the surface, it don't sound sinister, but I tell you, you start looking at this in light of the pedophiles and this whole globalist elite network of people in the higher level of government, which I do believe reached Barack Obama," McDonald said. "The 'new blood' comment is pedophilia talk because the blood supply is drying up because of what President Trump is doing, taking their networks down and basically going after the rings of sex trafficking and the kids and protecting the children from the harlots and these people that are basically harvesting their organs and God knows what else and literally destroying a generation of children."

Not surprisingly, Taylor wholeheartedly agreed.

"Isn't that funny that right after that, a few days after that, is when the abortion law comes in?" Taylor asked rhetorically. "Not a coincidence, folks."

Taylor went on to declare that Democrats oppose Trump's plan to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border because it will cut off their "fresh source" of blood that they smuggle into this country.