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Cathie Adams: Texas Pro-Choice Protest 'What Evil Must Sound like Emanating from the Pit of Hell'

Texas Eagle Forum head Cathie Adams was no fan of State Sen. Wendy Davis’ filibuster, which initially blocked anti-choice legislation in the state, until a second special session called by Gov. Rick Perry revived the draconian bill.

In a newsletter sent to Eagle Forum members last week, Adams writes that the pandemonium in the Senate chambers that occurred after the GOP tried to end the filibuster was demonic: “They stood, applauded and yelled at the top of their lungs. Their excruciatingly piercing screams could only be compared to what evil must sound like emanating from the pit of hell.”

On June 25, the final day of the FIRST special session, pro-life leaders watched and waited in the Senate gallery surrounded by orange clad pro-abortion supporters. We’d already tolerated Sen. Wendy Davis’ 11-hour filibuster followed by more delaying tactics by several other Democrat Senators. Then near midnight, Sen. Leticia Van de Putte’s hostile comment about women not being recognized on the Senate floor, triggered a response from the pro-aborts. They stood, applauded and yelled at the top of their lungs. Their excruciatingly piercing screams could only be compared to what evil must sound like emanating from the pit of hell.

It didn’t matter that Lt. Gov. Dewhurst ordered Texas State troopers to clear the gallery, not once but twice, which would have prevented the chaos. A communication mix-up, woefully outnumbered troopers and the deceptive behavior of those in burnt orange before midnight caught everyone by surprise. Mob rule by gallery watchers had never happened before in Texas. Initially I saw troopers politely appeal and gently direct the pro-aborts, but their civil disobedience demanded a bolder directive.

Surrounded by angry anarchists, some tweeting violence, I became fearful until I saw Rep. Bill Zedler and Sen. Kelly Hancock hastily ascend into the Senate gallery to escort us to the Senator’s private office where we stayed until Texas troopers cleared the Capitol. It was after 3 a.m. when I finally checked into my hotel. Later we learned that the pro-aborts’ unruly behavior had delayed the final Senate vote until minutes past midnight, thus killing the pro-LIFE bill.

Buoyed by your prayers and encouragement, I joined other pro-LIFE leaders in calling pro-LIFE Texans to the Capitol. Sacrificially taking time away from summer activities, thousands traveled to the Capitol, wearing blue and eager to stand for life.

But colors weren’t our only contrast. As Christians prayerfully sang the hymn “Amazing Grace,” the pro-aborts chanted “Hail Satan!” While Christians gently witnessed, lesbians kissed in the rotunda, and orange-shirted children held up immoral and obscenity-laced signs that hopefully they did not understand.