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Cathie Adams: Obama Needs a Teleprompter 'Because He Fried His Brain on Drugs'

A little over a week before the election, Texas Eagle Forum president Cathie Adams, delivered a presentation at a Grassroots America We The People "Call To Action" meeting where she spoke alongside then-candidate Ted Cruz. 

Adams' presentation was largely based on Mark Levin's book "Ameritopia" as she set out to explain exactly how "Barack Hussein Obama," as she repeatedly referred to him, was using the so-called "green agenda" as cover to implement Marxism in America.  As Adams saw it, talk of "sustainable development" or "social justice" are just code words for Marxism, leading to an odd claim that the conflicts that plague the continent of Africa would end when the people of Africa learn to "turn their hearts toward their creator."

Adams then wondered why people are unwilling to admit that there "is a Marxist in our White House" before declaring that when she saw "someone who thinks so narcissisticly as Barack Hussein Obama [glare] at Mitt Romney in that last debate," it made her "want to go up and just smack his face!"

Finally, Adams warned her audience against thinking that they cannot impose their values on the nation because failing to do so will have dire consequences, saying that the initiative on the ballot in Colorado that legalized marijuana would only make matters worse "because I'm telling you, Barack Hussein Obama has got to have a teleprompter because he fried his brain on drugs":

At last count, I think there were fifteen wars that were on-going in Africa. And yet, the United Nations has been for years, as well has been the UK and I remember much of the American foreign policy being focused on Africa; "we've got to meet the needs of the people in Africa and then there will be no more war." Folks, fifteen wars the last time I counted. The way that they are going to get out of a warring situation is to turn their hearts towards their creator, it is not going to be by having their needs met by any government.

Who is a Marxist in our White House?  Of course, it's Barack Hussein Obama.  And I don't know why we're not calling him what he is as a Marxist.  It's as if, when the wall fell that communism died; it didn't.  Today, it is green on the outside and red on the inside. It is as red as ever and Barack Obama is implementing his green agenda, which is Marxism, and that is exactly why our economy is hurting as badly as it is and why twenty three million people are still out of work. That is exactly what is happening.

So for us to elect a US Senator or elect a President who thinks more of himself than he ought, who thinks so narcissisticly, as Barack Hussein Obama glared at Mitt Romney in that last debate, I was so offended I wanted to go up and just smack his face.

And folks we've got to be very careful about saying "well, that's not for me but you can do whatever you want." Folks, we have a rule of law, we have a Constitution and those things must be upheld.  We cannot think that, well, if what their trying to do, for example, right now on a ballot in Colorado is legalize marijuana.  And if we legalize it, will we empty out our jails and will we be safe for ever more?  No.  I'm telling you, Barack Hussein Obama has got to have a teleprompter because he fried his brain on drugs.