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Capitol Prayer Service: God Will Punish America For Legalizing Gay Marriage

Last night, dozens of members of Congress gathered with Religious Right activists in the U.S. Capitol's Statuary Hall  for the annual "Washington: A Man of Prayer" event, a two-hour prayer service meant to honor the anniversary of George Washington's first presidential inauguration.

Most of the members of Congress who participated this year prayed for God's guidance as they carry out their duties as elected officials and for His protection over America, while some offered more pointed prayers, such as Rep. Joe Pitts, who lamented that we have become "spiritual and moral dwarfs," Rep. Doug  LaMalfa, who worried about the "seemingly godless times" in which this nation finds itself as the Supreme Court prepares to rule on marriage equality, and Rep. Bill Flores, who complained that "we are truly a troubled nation" in which Christians are being ridiculed and persecuted for defending the family and their faith:

End Times rabbi Jonathan Cahn spoke near the end of the prayer service and specifically warned the Supreme Court that it would bring God's judgment upon this nation if it strikes down state marriage bans.

"The Supreme Court opens its sessions with the words 'God save the United States and this honorable court,'" Cahn declared. "But if this honorable court should overrule the word of God and strike down the eternal rules of order that Heaven itself hath ordained, how then will God save it? Supreme Court justices, can you judge the ways of God? Can you, with man-made verdicts, overrule the eternal laws of God? There is another court and there is another judge and before him, all men and all judges will give account. If the nation's high court should pass judgement on the Almighty, should you then be surprised that the Almighty should then pass judgment on the court and that nation?"