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Campaign Urges KY Gov. Matt Bevin To 'Nullify' The Supreme Court's Gay Marriage Decision

Today, Gary Cass of the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission sent out an email to activists announcing a new campaign aimed at urging state legislatures to "nullify" the Supreme Court's gay marriage decision, beginning with "a national radio spot targeting the newly-elected Governor of Kentucky, Matt Bevin." 

"Nullification" is the fringe idea that states have the right to annul federal directives that they believe are unconstitutional and/or unbiblical and the radio ad compares resisting the gay marriage ruling to fighting the 1798 Alien and Sedition Acts, calling on Kentucky to take the lead in nullifying "the rogue Supreme Court opinion": 

Congratulations Matt Bevin on being elected governor of Kentucky and for standing up for marriage. Over 74% of Kentucky voters affirmed that marriage is the union of one man and one woman, but the U.S. Supreme Court created legal chaos by issuing an unconstitutional opinion. We need principled leadership now.

It was the brave Kentucky legislature that acted first when Congress passed the notorious Alien and Sedition Acts, depriving Americans for their First Amendment right to criticize their government. The famous Kentucky Resolutions declared the unconstitutional acts void and of no force. Other states followed suit, but Kentucky will forever have the honor of being the first state to legally check an abuse of power by the federal government.

Governor Bevin, we need Kentucky to once again lead the nation. Contact Governor Bevin and urge him to protect marriage and nullify the rogue Supreme Court opinion. Visit or call (502) 564-2611.