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CADC's Ten "Irrefutable Proofs" that Obama is not a Christian

Back in 2008, the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission released a series of videos attacking then-candidate Barack Obama's faith.  The entire operation was entitled "Seven Reasons Barack Obama is not a Christian" and consisted of various videos asserting that Obama "was not a Christian by any Biblical or historic measure."

Things such as his ties to Rev. Jeremiah Wright and his appreciation of some elements of Islam were held up as proof that Obama could not be considered a Christian, as was that fact that he was "an unabashed supporter of special privileges for homosexuals":

Now that the 2012 presidential election is beginning to heat up, the CADC has announced that it intends to resurrect the series - this time featuring ten reasons - and release a new video every month leading up to the election. 

Here are the CADC's "Ten New Irrefutable Proofs that Barack Obama is NOT a Christian!":

1.) Economics: Obama advocates for failed Marxist/socialist economic schemes that are based on envy and class warfare that divides the country and uses the government to steal from one group to give it to another.

2.) Marriage: Obama abdicated his sworn presidential duty to defend the laws of the United States by refusing to defend the Defense of Marriage Act and even actively worked to undermine the law.

3.) Religious Liberty: Obama signed "Hate Crimes" legislation that can result in prosecution for speaking against homosexuality. Even pastors who preach the biblical view of sexuality could face prosecution in certain situations.

4.) Abortion: Obama's policies have caused taxpayer funded abortions in other nations and fund of embryonic stem cell research that kills human embryos. He gave $50 million to UN population agency for promoting abortion and working with China's murderous "one child" policy. He eliminated federal funding for abstinence-only education and overturned the ban on funding abortions within Washington, D.C. During the 2011 budget debates, Obama refused to end funding for Planned Parenthood, almost causing the government to shut down.

5.) Homosexuality: Obama signed a bill repealing the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy which opened the door to open homosexuality in the military. Now military chaplains will be pressured to perform homosexual unions. Obama had militant homosexuals as part of his inaugural events and even hosted a reception in the White House celebrating the fortieth anniversary of the homosexual rights movement.

6.) Liberal / Marxist Liberation Theology: Obama sat under a radical, Marxist minister, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, for 20 years and has adopted all of his Marxist ideology. Obama denies Christ's atonement and mocks the Bible and rarely attends church, yet we are supposed to believe he's Christian. Many believe he's really a Muslim, and for some good reasons.

7.) National Christian Heritage: In a speech given in Turkey, Obama said, "we do NOT consider ourselves a Christian nation." Obama intentionally misquotes the Declaration of Independence omitting "our Creator" as the source of our unalienable rights.

8.) Supreme Court Appointments: Justice Elena Kagan is a hardcore liberal on abortion, gun rights and homosexual marriage and is suspected to be a lesbian. Kagan wrote a brief supporting Clinton's veto of a ban on partial birth abortion. While a Dean at Harvard, Kagan banned military recruiters from the campus. Kagan also opposed the Federal Defense of Marriage Act. Justice Sonia Sotomayor is a liberal and activist judge who believes courts should make policy not just interpret the constitution. Sotomayor argued for unlimited abortions for any reason throughout pregnancy and for taxpayer funding of abortions.

9.) Obama-care: Your tax dollars will pay for abortions and the older you get your life will be considered a liability and expendable. Some bureaucrat on a "DEATH PANEL" will ultimately decide if YOUR life is worth saving or not.

10.) Radical Czars: Kevin Jennings, Obama's Safe School "czar," is a militant, homosexual activist from Massachusetts. Radical pro-abortion advocate Kathleen Sebelius is Obama's Secretary of Health and Human Services. She took a quarter of a million dollars from George Tiller, the notorious late term abortionist. Chai Feldblum, a lesbian law professor was appointed to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Feldblum said in any conflict that might arise between religious liberty and homosexual "rights," she would have a hard time coming up with any case in which religious liberty should win.

Just keep this in mind the next time you hear anyone from the Religious Right complaining that the media and/or liberals are bigotedly attacking the faith of the Republican presidential candidates.