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Buchanan: 'Redskins' Name Is Meant To Be A Compliment!

Pat Buchanan says there is nothing the slightest bit racist about the Washington Redskins’ name, arguing that it is meant to be a compliment. If anything, it is American Indians who need to show more respect to Redskins fans, the conservative commentator argues in his latest column:

Fortunately, we now have sensitive souls like Ray Halbritter of the Oneida Indian Nation to tutor us in our depravity.

“By changing his team’s name,” Redskin owner Dan Snyder “can create a better historical legacy for himself – one of tolerance and mutual respect,” says Halbritter: “Native Americans do not want their people to be hurt by such painful epithets.”

Hurt? Native Americans are “hurt” by the Redskins’ name?

Years ago, I recall hearing a line I thought a magnificent tribute to the toughness, bravery and perseverance of these peoples the Europeans encountered and fought on American soil for centuries.

“There is no whine in the Indian,” the writer said.

What he meant was that these were people who stood, fought and died, and did not whimper. And it is that character trait so many teams from the Fighting Sioux of North Dakota to the Cleveland Indians of the Cuyahoga seek to capture in their adopted names.

And as I have never heard of anyone choosing a team name to insult it, who is really lacking in tolerance and mutual respect here?

Or maybe just tell the Oneida crowd we know how excruciatingly painful it must be to have to hear “Hail to the Redskins!” but are confident they have the moxie and the manhood to deal with it.