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Bryan Fischer's "Good Friend" Raul Labrador

Today, I stumbled upon this article in Politico about Raul Labrador, who is running for Congress in Idaho but struggling to get support from the National Republican Congressional Committee :

The NRCC doesn’t have any immediate plans to add Labrador to its expansive list of 110 favored Young Gun recruits, according to several sources familiar with their thinking, even though he’s the newly-minted nominee in one of the most conservative districts held by a Democrat – a seat that was once one of the GOP’s leading targets.

Labrador will be visiting Washington next Wednesday, when he will be meeting with NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions and top committee staff to keep committee officials abreast of his general election strategy, and inform them of plans to raise enough money to run a competitive race. But committee officials say that meeting is unlikely to yield inclusion in the program, until he starts putting together a first-tier campaign infrastructure.

That in and of itself is not particularly interesting and the only reason it even caught my eye was because Labrador was a guest on Bryan Fischer's radio program last week, during which Fisher gushed about how Labrador was his "good friend" and how the two had done several Tea Party events together in the state. 

I didn't bother to grab the video, because I didn't think it was all that interesting... but I did want to highlight the fact that a "good friend" of Fischer's from his home state of Idaho could possibly become a member of Congress.  And given Fischer's extraordinarily radical views, that ought to be of concern to everyone.