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Brimelow: Force Needed to Counter Inherent 'Criminality In The American Underclass'

White nationalist commentator Peter Brimelowthe editor of VDARE, joined Steve Deace last week to discuss the reaction to a grand jury’s decision not to indict a Ferguson, Missouri, police officer in the shooting death of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown.

Deace told Brimelow that he thought President Obama — who opened his remarks on the grand jury decision by urging protesters to act “peacefully” — had not done enough to prevent violence and looting in Ferguson, and that the president should “have gone down to Ferguson and led peaceful marches and marched with the family and preempted the thuggery we saw on display last night.”

But Brimelow disagreed. “Actually, you know, I think the criminality in the American underclass is so great that nothing other than force can stop it, frankly speaking,” he said, arguing that President Obama should instead have sent the National Guard into Ferguson.

“The problem is that they’re fundamentally on the side of the rioters,” he said of the Obama administration. “We’re in a very bad situation here, you know, a lot of people in the federal government are fundamentally anti-American.”

Brimelow responded to the first protests in Ferguson this summer by favorably quoting white supremacist Jared Taylor who called the protests an attack on “our basic European institutions” as “Africa and other parts of the Third World expand in our midst.”