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Brent Bozell Warns CPAC That Tyranny, Cultural Fascism, And The Stasi Are Here

The Media Research Center's Brent Bozell spoke at CPAC this morning, where he let loose with a speech that was little more than an endless stream of right-wing misrepresentations, falsehoods, fabrications, and outright paranoia about how left-wing tyranny and fascism are destroying America and persecuting people like Rush Limbaugh and Phil Robertson.

For nearly 20 minutes, Bozell ran through a litany of right-wing outrages and supposed scandals as he declared that "something terrible is happening to our country [as] the radical left now controls most levers of political and cultural power and is using both in a relentless campaign to destroy the last vestiges of freedom in America."

"Tyranny is knocking at our door," he warned, before declaring that the left "will do anything, using any means at their disposal, legal or otherwise" to strip conservatives of their freedom of speech and saying that the government isn't "all that different from the East German Stasi."

"Cultural fascism has arrived in America," Bozell said. "Let us understand this soberly and unequivocally":