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Breitbart Radio Host Attributes Ed Gillespie's Loss To Not Embracing Breitbart

(Photo: Gage Skidmore)

Raheem Kassam, Breitbart London editor-at-large and frequent host of Breitbart’s daily radio program, attributed Ed Gillespie's loss in last night's gubernatorial race in Virginia on Gillespie’s reluctance to embrace Breitbart and its executive chairman, former White House strategist Steve Bannon.

Kassam hosted former Trump spokesman Jason Miller on “Breitbart News Daily” this morning to dissect massive Republican losses in Virginia’s elections yesterday. Part of the reason why Gillespie lost, Kassam suggested to Miller, was because he was reluctant to embrace Breitbart.

“You had a campaign run down there in Virginia where the candidate didn’t want to come on the ‘Breitbart News Daily’ show, where they didn’t want to do rallies with people like Steve Bannon, where they campaigned closer to Jeb and George Bush than President Trump,” Kassam said.

Kassam asked Miller, “How important would you say it is for Republican primary voters in future—and it will be in the very, very short and near future that we see this happening—how important is it for them to stop picking the establishment candidates?”

“I think you hit the nail right on the head,” Miller responded.

As recently as this weekend, Bannon was ready to take credit for a Gillespie win, saying that if the Republican candidate were to prevail it would be because of his embrace of “Trump’s agenda” and the talking points of his far-right primary challenger Corey Stewart.