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Boykin: Obama Administration has Shown 'Support for the Infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood into our Government'

Jerry Boykin spent his July 4 holiday by chatting with Frank Gaffney for an hour about the supposed rise of Islamic extremists within the U.S. government and accused Sec. Hillary Clinton’s deputy chief of staff Huma Abedin of participating in a Muslim Brotherhood plot “to penetrate our government.” He maintained that not only is the Obama administration showing a “willful blindness” to the penetration but also insisted that “there is support for the infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood into our government”:

Boykin: I would not begin to try and explain the actions of the administration because it is beyond anything that I can possibly claim. Secondly, Huma [Abedin] is not the only person who has penetrated our government and if you go back to the explanatory memorandum that is in our book, Sharia: The Threat, which was discovered in Annandale, Virginia in the archives of the Muslim Brotherhood, one of their strategies was to penetrate our government and they have done so. If my mother or father was a known member of the Muslim Brotherhood it is highly unlikely that I would ever be able to get a security clearance so you have to ask yourself, why is this individual able to do that when no one else can possibly do that. So there is a willful blindness to what is happening. I believe in some aspects of this situation there is support for the infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood into our government, that sounds extremist but it is just a fact, it’s a reality.

But apparently it is not only the Obama White House which has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood as later, Boykin, who like Gaffney believes that conservative activist Grover Norquist is a “Muslim Brotherhood facilitator,” claims that the Bush administration also faced a Muslim Brotherhood infiltration. He expressed hope that Rep. Frank Wolf, who has denounced Norquist’s “unsavory” connections, will investigate Norquist’s purported Muslim Brotherhood ties:

Gaffney: There actually was a similar effort made to penetrate the conservative movement and Republican Party circles, including the administration, for that matter the 2000 campaign of George W. Bush. What do we know about how this came about and its implications?

Boykin: Yes, you’re right Frank. This penetration of our government at the highest levels did not begin with the Obama administration, if you go back to the 2000 campaign the Islamic vote went predominately to George W. Bush, now someone had to orchestrate that. Recently, within the last three months, Rep. Frank Wolf has called into question Grover Norquist, for not only his association with [Jack] Abramoff but also for his association with questionable groups within the Muslim community, particularly those that are identified as being with the Muslim Brotherhood. I think it’s easily justified to say that he was a very large part of bringing the Islamic vote to George W. Bush in 2000. Now that did not happen in 2004, as a result of the response to 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq, but I think that just as Rep. Wolf said, I think we have to look very hard at Grover Norquist and ask what his role in all of this has been.

Gaffney: I certainly agree. It’s deeply troubling that Grover Norquist and one of his folks with the Muslim Brotherhood associations, Suhail Kahn, have been active even to this day in conservative circles, serving at the moment at the board of the American Conservative Union.