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Boykin & Joyner Discuss Syria, Biblical Prophecy, And The End Times

Rick Joyner and Jerry Boykin are both encouraged but also concerned about the situation in Syria ... primarily because of what it might signal about the End Times.

Joyner is encouraged because he sees Biblical signs of the End Times everywhere he looks, which means Christians should be growing excited because the Day of Redemption is near.  But one Biblical prophecy that has not yet been fulfilled is Isaiah 17's promise that the city of Damascus will be destroyed and this prophecy, said Joyner, "has to be fulfilled before this age can end."

For his part, Boykin envisions a scenario in which the Free Syrian Army gains control of Damascus, prompting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to decide to unload every last one of his chemical weapons on the city, destroying it, killing all its inhabitants, and rendering it uninhabitable and thereby fulfilling this Biblical prophecy: