Cliff Kincaid thinks that "we could use another prominent anti-communist like Joe McCarthy" in Congress today.
Janet Boynes declares that Christians cannot "support the gay agenda. How will people be set free if we continue to cave and support the lie? ... Church, we are in a spiritual battle, and it's an all-out war between heaven and earth."
Peter LaBarbera warns that the left "is putting our children's lives, their souls, and their minds at risk."
Wayne Allyn Root got banned from Twitter, which he says is just like what happened to Jews in Nazi Germany: "This is exactly like 1938."
Scott Lively has released a "simple five point plan for the MAGA movement to quickly win back the country and restore our constitution through grassroots activism from the bottom up."
Finally, Mark Taylor is convinced that the COVID-19 vaccine is "a bioweapon" and a precursor to the Mark of the Beast. As such, he warns people not even to get tested for the virus because "the vaccine is now in the test."