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Boehner's "Tea Party" Challenger Is Really A Randall Terry Plant

Last week it was announced that a "pro-life/Tea Party activist" named David Lewis would be launching a primary against John Boehner. Since then, most of the press coverage has focused on the "Tea Party" aspect of Lewis' campaign and ignored the "pro-life" part ... even though it is the anti-choice activism that is really driving the campaign.

Back in 2010, anti-choice zealot Randall Terry discovered that he could get graphic anti-abortion ads to air on television by exploiting a loophole that prohibits broadcasters from refusing to run or censor campaign ads.  As such, he has been recruiting other anti-choice candidates to run for office, not because they have a chance to win, but simply as a means to air grapich ads on television.  In fact, Terry himself is running his own primary challege against President Obama for the same purpose.

Lewis quit his job last year to become a full-time anti-choice activist and admits that he has no chance of actually beating Boehner ... in fact, he doesn't even live in the correct district.  

That is Lewis, on the far left in the yellow, particpating in Randall Terry's "sit-in" outside of Boehner's office earlier this year:

So Lewis is running simply in order to run graphic ads

Lewis, the father of a 2-year-old girl, says he plans on running on a single issue - Boehner's support of a federal budget that provides funding to Planned Parenthood, which he calls "the largest killer of unborn babies in America."

Lewis tells the newspaper that he plans on running graphic anti-abortion ads against Boehner. He says that people will not reject abortion until they see abortion.

Lewis already has three graphic ads up on his campaign website ... so it is pretty obvious that his candidacy is not really a "Tea Party" challenge to Boehner at all but is simply the latest step in Randall Terry's campaign to get graphic anti-choice ads aired on television.