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Bobby Jindal: Anti-Gay Businesses Are The 'Real Victims Of Discrimination'

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, who has tried to build his expected presidential campaign(link is external) around the supposed(link is external) persecution(link is external) of(link is external) conservative(link is external) Christians(link is external) in America, told Family Research Council President Tony Perkins yesterday(link is external) that the “real victims of discrimination” are business owners who seek to deny service to gay people, not the gay people who were refused public services.

After falsely(link is external) claiming (link is external) that Indiana’s new “religious freedom” law is no different than the federal version of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, Jindal alleged that Democrats no longer support religious freedom protections because they may be used to benefit Christians.

“Now that evangelical Christians are the ones that are being discriminated against, the left does not want to accommodate them in the same way,” Jindal said(link is external). “What’s really underneath all of this is the left preaches tolerance and diversity and openness, and that’s true, unless you disagree with them. They don’t want to discriminate anybody unless you happen to be a conservative, or in this case, an evangelical Christian, and that’s the hypocrisy in this.”