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Bob Barr Challenges Barry Loudermilk To Disavow David Barton's Endorsement

Georgia State Senator Barry Loudermilk is currently seeking the Republican Party's nomination for a seat in Congress and has been touting the endorsement he received from "nationally recognized author, historian and constitutional expert David Barton."

Loudermilk's admiration of Barton is no secret, given that he mindlessly repeats Barton's lies in his own presentations, but now it seems that it is becoming an issue in his campaign as he was asked to repudiate Barton's endorsement earlier this week during a debate with his GOP primary opponent, former Congressman Bob Barr.

A clip from the debate was posted on YouTube by Bartowpolitics showing Barr noting that Loudermilk has very proudly accepted Barton's endorsement despite the fact, Barr said, that Barton "has been roundly and uniformly criticized with facts for taking positions that are anti-Semitic [and] that are against women voting."

Barr asked Loudermilk to disavow Barton's endorsement, but Loudermilk refused to do so, saying that he had no idea where Barr was getting his information and saying that Barton "had done a tremendous job of reintroducing Americans to their true heritage ... so, no, I'm not going to stand out here and disavow an endorsement of somebody that I believe has done a tremendous job in reintroducing Americans to their true heritage":

The allegation that Barton spoke to anti-Semitic groups stems back over twenty years and Barton has consistently insisted that he was not aware of the views of some of the groups that he addressed. 

As for the claim that Barton is "against women voting," that comes from an ironically Bartonesque misrepresentation of a radio program he did earlier this year when he asserted that the Founding Fathers did not grant women the right to vote in order "to keep the family together."

We have listened to literally thousands of hours of Barton's programs and presentations and he can be justifiably criticized for a lot of things (most notably, being a serial liar), but being anti-Semitic and against women voting should not be among them.