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Birthers Whine That No One Takes Them Seriously Anymore

The release of President Obama’s long-form birth certificate in April hasn’t stopped Jerome Corsi, author of Where’s The Birth Certificate?, from pushing his fanciful case that President Obama was born outside of the United States, and yesterday he appeared in Crosstalk with Vic Eliason on Voice of Christian Youth America where the two complained that no one cares what they have to say anymore. Eliason lamented that people “call us just a bunch of crazies, radicals, birthers” and said that people like himself “get a label, an epithet that kind of raises a shadow over” their arguments. Corsi assured him that “Barack Obama’s nativity story and his life story” have all been “fabricated,” and claimed that the alleged “cover-up” is a “serious issue.”

Eliason: One of the things that frustrates me as I hear about these things Dr. Corsi is this, there’s enough evidence here—if this was a bank robbery the law would pounce on the perpetrators—but there’s enough evidence here to raise questions from A to Z and nobody seems to be or have the power or the will or whatever to get, I mean, why are people scurrying around it? For instance, if you mention this and by us putting it on the air, they’d call us just a bunch of crazies, radicals, birthers, that’s the term that they call them, birthers. They get a label, an epithet that kind of raises a shadow over anybody that raises a question.

Corsi: The entire story we’ve been presented with, Barack Obama’s nativity story and his life story, appear to be all fabricated. So we truly don’t know who this man is.

Eliason: That statement is rather shocking but I’ve seen it even coming from other countries and national leaders that have called Mr. Obama a mystery man that has come from somewhere, emerged quickly, qualifications ignored and basically placed. And there are many people that have asked the questions, could it be, as this morning on Fox News they were saying he was the bystander in the White House, that was the term that Fox was using, a bystander in the White House, standing by while everything else goes crazy, only stepping in at certain times when he should be in there, dealing with the issues instead of being out golfing or running for office or whatever he’s doing at this present time.

Corsi: I think another term that’s been used is usurper, in other words, instead of coming forward and presenting his credentials in an open fashion, saying, ‘do you want to see my passport records here they are, do you want to see the original birth certificate materials, here’s what’s in the vault in Hawaii.’ We still have even today, three years into the presidency, a cover-up going on, so we’re not allowed to see original documents pertaining to Barack Obama, and I think that’s a serious issue.