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Birther Investigator Reports Rep. Stockman 'Deeply Concerned' About Obama Birth Certificate, Has Requested 'Lengthy' Meeting

On Monday, we reported on the recent Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association convention, a gathering of Tenther law enforcement officers at which Gun Owners of America director Larry Pratt presented such prizes as the “High Noon Award” and “Nullifier of the Year” to opponents of federal gun laws.

Today we learn that the convention also featured two lengthy presentations by Mike Zullo, the lead investigator on Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s “Cold Case Posse,” which seeks to keep alive the movement questioning President Obama’s birth certificate and citizenship.

In an interview after the event with right-wing Internet broadcast PPSimmons radio, Zullo explains that he had a great stroke of luck when the convention’s keynote speaker, Republican Rep. Steve Stockman of Texas, attended his presentation. Not only did Stockman attend, Zullo reports, he was “deeply concerned about it and he really does want to have a lengthy, lengthy discussion about this.” Zullo said that he is planning a trip to Washington to meet with Stockman “in the near future,” adding that the congressman’s support is “going to really, really move things forward for us.”

Only the “hand of God,” the host replies, could have arranged for Stockman to be at the convention to hear Zullo’s speech.

PPSimmons: This meeting at this National Sheriffs’ Convention… and Peace Officers’ Convention…was just icing on the cake. I mean, you’ve been working on some other meetings that are coming up and some other big promises that have been made, you’ve been going full steam on that. And then about five weeks ago, this opportunity is dropped into your lap. And unbeknownst to you, one of the people you and I spoke with at CPAC and on Capitol Hill was Congressman Steve Stockman, and he winds up being the keynote speaker at this event, and so he winds up hearing all of your presentation material. And I understand that he has asked for another meeting with you and that he is deeply concerned about this. Am I correct about all of that so far.

Zullo: You’re correct. It looks like there’s going to be another trip to Washington in the near future. He is deeply concerned about it and he really does want to have a lengthy, lengthy discussion about this, so I’m sure that something’s going to happen very, very soon about that. In addition, there were some other things that you had mentioned or alluded to, that you and I had worked on some other avenues. One of those avenues was just pushed wide open as a result of this, a key player happened to be here as well. And that’s going to really, really move things forward for us.

PPSimmons: And Mike, I just can’t help but to see the hand of God in this. This just seems so providential. Because you could not have arranged to have one of the congressmen that we spoke to wind up being the keynote speaker, you could not have arranged for him to be in the presence of scores and scores of constitutional law enforcement officers, you could not have arranged to have had a better sit-down meeting with a congressman and constitutional attorneys and sheriffs and police chiefs. I mean, you can not have made that happen, but I can really see the hand of God in this.