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Birther and Breitbart Conspiracies Generate Buzz on the Far-Right

To nobody’s surprise, Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s “cold case posse,” funded by the birther website WorldNetDaily, said yesterday at a press conference that there is “probable cause to believe forgery and fraud occurred” in the issuing of President Obama’s birth certificate. While birtherism has been dismissed as relegated to a few fringe activists and Donald Trump, polls show that only a minority of Republican voters believe Obama was born in the U.S.

Tea Party Nation president Judson Phillips, a fan of Orly Taitz’s birther crusade, appears to be under the impression that Arpaio’s investigation will actually lead to criminal charges against Obama:

Sheriff Joe’s strategy here is great. First, he is going for the easiest target. Someone obviously forged the birth certificate. With a criminal investigation, he can go places the civil lawsuits did not and courts are going to be much more reluctant interfere with a criminal probe than a civil lawsuit.

The person who forged the document is the easiest target and as a matter of criminal law, a prosecution of him or her would be pretty easy. One of the basic rules of criminal prosecutions, when you have a multi defendant conspiracy is to pick the easiest target, build the case and flip them.

Once the defendant is flipped, the prosecutors and investigators just work their way up the chain.

Assuming all of this can be proven, the trail has to end at Barack Obama. He presented the birth certificate to the nation. He has to know at the very least the birth certificate is not real. Why would Barack Obama release a forged birth certificate?

There are only a couple of reasons for that. While it could be his idea of a giant practical joke, that does not seem likely. In the law, a person who hides, alters or conceals evidence, there is a presumption that evidence is adverse to them.

That makes a lot of sense. And the question remains, why would Obama agree to a forged birth certificate? He knew the media would protect him, but why do it unless there is something to the story that he was in fact not born in Hawaii?

All of this goes back to the issue of why eligibility is so important.

If Obama is not eligible to be President, everything he did is undone. Goodbye Obamacare. Goodbye Dodd-Frank. Goodbye Kagan and Sotomayor.

If we can invalidate the Obama regime, we can undo the damage the left has so desired to do to this nation.

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, last seen advocating the overthrow of the government, emailed members commending Arpaio and seemingly linking his press conference to Andrew Breitbart’s death:

It appears that the Maricopa County Sheriff's department has determined there is PROBABLE CAUSE to believe the long form birth certificate of "Barack Obama" released by the White House is a forgery. Police also believe that Obama's Selective Service card is a "poor forgery". Dr. Jerome Corsi is reporting that he spoke with Andrew Breitbart yesterday around 5pm and arranged an interview for him with Sheriff Arpaio. Corsi says it may have been Breitbart's last interview.

Andrew Breitbart died unexpectedly shortly after midnight this morning on this auspicious day.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio is one of America's most respected lawmen, but the Associated Press is attacking him over this as we expected since the Associated Press has been caught lying and distorting the truth on numerous occasions.

They are elevating their investigation now to a CRIMINAL PROBE and calling for Congress to launch a Congressional investigation.

If you would like to join our calls for Congress to launch an official investigation into the forgery of this document and the eligibility of Barack Obama and the legitimacy of his executive memos ordering an unlawful and unConstituional amnesty for for illegal aliens, please access our Congressional contact information page at this link...

Radio talk show host Michael Savage tried to tie Breitbart’s death to a speech he gave at CPAC earlier this year:

“Maybe my overly active imagination kicked into overdrive,” Savage told his listeners of his decision to raise the question. “But you heard what Breitbart said – he has videos … we’re going to vet the president.”

… “I’m asking a crazy question,” Savage said, “but so what? We the people want an answer. This was not an ordinary man. If I don’t ask this question, I would be remiss.”

“He threatened the president at CPAC with video that could derail the president’s campaign,” Savage said.

“I pray it was natural causes, but we’ll never know the truth.” Savage said that if Breitbart’s colleagues have the videos, they should post them as soon as possible and make them viral “or they’ll never see the light of day.”