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Bill Mitchell: Trust Q Because It's Creating Confidence in Trump

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On last night’s episode of his “YourVoice America” program, ardent pro-Trump commentator and right-wing conspiracy theorist Bill Mitchell argued that people should stop criticizing the QAnon movement and those who believe in it because Q is giving people confidence in President Trump heading into the 2020 elections.

Mitchell, who has recently come to embrace the QAnon movement and feature its advocates on his program, argued last night that people should believe in Q because the movement is simply "trying to put information out there that gives hope to [Trump's] base" to counteract the efforts of the media to discourage Trump supporters from mobilizing in 2020.

"What Q is trying to do is motivate and encourage the base by—what is their hashtag? 'Trust the plan,'" Mitchell said. "What's the alternative to that? Question and doubt everything Donald Trump does? Constantly attack Donald Trump from all these different sides? Every time he makes a move that you in your linear small mind don't understand, that he in his strategic mind is setting up the board for a win, but you don't get it; he sacrifices his knight because he's planning checkmating your king in five moves, but all of a sudden you go out there and you're freaking out and pulling an Ann Coulter on him, is that what we should be doing?"

"Would that make it better?" Mitchell bellowed. "Would that be a better world? Would that make us more MAGA? What do you want? What do you want? They're like, 'Oh, they're lulling us into a false sense of confidence'—by giving you confidence in Trump, that Trump has got a plan to know what the hell he's doing in all this? How does that lull anybody into a false sense of confidence? That is the most idiotic thing I have ever heard in the world."

"Nobody is stupid enough to really believe that," he concluded.