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Bill Mitchell: Donald Trump 'Has Been Given to Us by God'

On his "YourVoice America" program last night, ardent pro-Trump commentator and right-wing conspiracy theorist Bill Mitchell once again heaped praise on President Trump and proclaimed that he was being used by God to save America.

"[Democrats] do not have the strategic brilliance that Donald Trump has, the God-given brilliance to see the future for what it is," Mitchell said. "This is why Donald Trump runs circles around them. They are like flightless birds squawking around in a dusty pen, flapping their arms—they can't fly, all they can do is kick up dust ... Donald Trump is like an eagle, soaring above it all."

Mitchell predicted that Trump will be president for eight years and that Republicans will regain control off Congress in his second term, which will allow them to work together to pack the Supreme Court, reform health care and drug prices, improve the nation's infrastructure, build the border wall, and strike fair trade deals with nations all over the world.

"We are heading to the greatest time in American history and thank God that Donald Trump is the conductor of this train," he said. "This is the Trump train and we have all got first class seats. We don't jump on the train, off the train, we don't end up back in coach, we're all sitting in first class; Donald Trump is the conductor of this train, he is our leader, he has been given to us by God."

"We are witnesses to history," Mitchell continued. "Two hundred, three hundred, a thousand years from now, the historians will look back and say, 'This was the moment in time where America turned back from the brink' ... America has turned back from the brink to achieve the greatness that God has always destined for us, and he used Donald Trump the same way that he used David, the same way that he used Samson, the same way that he used Abraham, the same way that he turned Saul into Paul—who ended up writing about a third of the New Testament—the same way that he used all of these heroes from the Bible, he is using Donald Trump right now."