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Bill Federer: Syrian Refugees May Be Part Of Plot To Spark Violence, Impose Martial Law

Right-wing historian and commentator Bill Federer joined a slew of anti-Muslim activists at a “Breaking the Silence” conference in Colorado Springs in August, where he warned that Syrian refugees are being used to stage an “infiltration” of America that will ultimately lead to violence and possibly the imposition of martial law.

Speaking in a panel discussion on “Islam’s plan for America,” Federer claimed that Muslims are divided into “religious” Muslims inspired by Muhammad’s time in Mecca and “militant” ones inspired by his time in Medina.

“So,” he said, “you see the Muslim Brotherhood saying, ‘There are lots of Muslims who are just religious, let’s pretend like we’re Meccan Muslims to infiltrate in, then we grow in size, build a community, demand political accommodation, and then we begin to switch to a Medina Muslim and get violent.’”

“They’re bringing in large numbers of Muslim immigrants,” he said of Syrian refugees being resettled in the U.S., “and the thought is, are we being set up for an Arab Spring? Are we bringing them in as quote-unquote ‘religious refugees’ like Muhammad was when he first went to Medina and then when they grow in size, are we being set up for the flip when they get told that they’ve got to become political, militant Muslims?”

“And once the violence happens,” he continued, “then there’s this cry for the government to come in and restore order and the government says, okay, we’re going to come in, take over your local police departments, set up oversight over all your sheriffs and we’re basically going to set up martial law.”

He said that this represented “the two main phases of Islam”: “The first is this immigration, infiltration phase and the second is the overthrowing of the government stage.”