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Bill Dallas: 'God Does not Want Girls to Marry Other Girls'

For months now, we have been writing about a Religious Right voter registration and mobilization effort called Champion The Vote. The goal of the effort is to utilize new technology to get "5 million unregistered conservative Christians to register and vote according to the Biblical worldview in 2012."

Today, Champion The Vote's President and CEO, Bill Dallas, was the guest on "WallBuilders Live" where he and Rick Green discussed the importance of getting Christians registered to vote ... so that they can take back the culture and Dallas won't have to talk to his young daughter about gay marriage:

My little six year old comes running up to me - she goes to a Christian school, first grade, she goes to church and we keep a very tight protection on her, we watch what friends she plays with outside of school, so we keep pretty tight reins on what she's being taught. But she comes running up to me and she goes "Daddy, can a girl marry another girl." She asked me that last night, Rick.

Can a girl marry another girl and immediately I look over at my niece and I realize they must have been talking, my nine year old niece must have said "did you know that girls can marry other girls." Well, my six year old doesn't know that, it's not what she's taught at school. So what is my response, Rick? She's asking can a girl marry another girl. The technical answer is yes! But I can't say that to her because it would confuse her, so I immediately switch the conversation and I say "God does not want girls to marry other girls, God does not want boys to marry other boys." I kind of re-directed the answer but then I have to stop and explain and we talked to our niece.

But the real answer is, in reality yes they can. And so what is happening is that the salt and light culture that we're supposed to be as Christians is slowly being deteriorated and so these types of conversations are happening more and more because this is what the culture is.

So how do you stop it? Well, we can get angry and we can try to bash the other side, but do people realize that we have the numbers? If we would just stand up and be righteousness, then what would happen is those conversations wouldn't happen because the laws would then reflect us.