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Bill Bennett To VVS: NFL Players Taking A Knee ‘Don’t Understand’ American ‘Culture’



Conservative pundit and former secretary of education Bill Bennett took to the stage at the Values Voter Summit this morning immediately after President Trump to defend Trump against all manner of criticism and to claim that the president is facing enormous media bias.

“If you watch the TV shows other than Fox…you would have no idea how many things the president has already accomplished,” Bennett said, including his “symbolic” victory over the NFL players who have been kneeling during the national anthem to protest racial injustice.

“The president has won on this issue,” Bennett said. “He’s just won.”

He added that the players who are protesting just “don’t know any better” because the schools haven’t taught them about the greatness of America.

“But whatever you might want to say about these players who are kneeling, who are protesting, I think I have a little inside information I’ll share with the president,” he said. “A lot of them don’t know any better. They just don’t know any better. They are alien to themselves and a culture and a country they do not understand.”

“Who has ever told them that America is the last, best hope of earth?” he asked. “Who has ever told them about the sacrifices at Gettysburg or Yorktown?”

Saying that many of America’s problems stem from the education system, he told the conservative audience, “I’ll take this audience teaching my children, thank you, rather than many others.”