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Ben Carson's Campaign Chair Asks You To Not To Crucify The Good Doctor For Supporting Donald Trump

Last week Ben Carson shared a statement on Facebook from his former campaign chairman, Bob Dees, defending the neurosurgeon’s endorsement of Donald Trump.

Criticism of Carson, Dees said, reminded him of the calls to crucify Jesus Christ, and urged readers to reflect on “how God’s purposes might have been thwarted if Daniel had not served in Babylon, or if Joseph had not served Pharaoh.”

Dees was also offended by those who claimed that Carson’s endorsement was “driven by political ambition or any ‘sell out’ on Dr. Carson’s part,” saying that Carson would never do such a thing.

You are no doubt aware of Dr. Carson’s official endorsement of Donald Trump at a press conference today, the rationale for which he reiterated on his Facebook page this morning.

Subsequently, many of you sent strong messages of support for today’s endorsement, while many others sent equally strong messages of disappointment. In all candor, some of this critical dynamic reminds me of Passion Week which began with Hosannas from the people, and ended with “Crucify Him.” Yet Christ had not changed, just as Dr. Ben Carson has not changed his devotion to God, his fundamental policy convictions regarding the right path for our nation, or his undying commitment to Save America for Future Generations.

For those of you who seek to analyze this decision through a spiritual lens, we must ask how God’s purposes might have been thwarted if Daniel had not served in Babylon, or if Joseph had not served Pharaoh? In a similar vein, Dr. Carson’s endorsement is not driven by political ambition or any “sell out” on Dr. Carson’s part -- rather Dr. Carson remains the same wise, practical, empirically-driven, and God-honoring leader and selfless servant he has always been.

Ironically, just yesterday Carson said that he decided to endorse Trump after the billionaire mogul promised him a role in his administration.