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Ben Carson: 'PC Methodology' Is Persecuting Christians

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson told Steve Malzberg on Newsmax TV yesterday that there is rising anti-Christian sentiment in America because people “buy into the PC methodology.”

“I don’t think most people, if they really stopped and thought about it would say, ‘I’m anti-Christian,’ but they buy into the PC methodology and hence they find themselves going with that crowd,” he said.

One way to stem the tide, he said, would be for Congress to pass legislation undermining the Supreme Court’s marriage equality decision. “I’m not an anarchist, it is the law of the land, but that doesn’t mean we can’t change it,” he said. “It doesn’t mean that there isn’t a reason that we have separation of powers and checks and balances, and clearly when one branch oversteps their boundaries, it’s time for the next one to act.”

Later in the interview, Malzberg claimed that President Obama doesn’t care about the persecution of Christians in the Middle East or terror attacks in Israel, falsely claiming that the White House didn’t respond to an attack that killed three rabbis in a Jerusalem synagogue last year.

“I don’t think he’s moved by dead Christians or dead Jews,” Malzberg said, “I think he’s moved by dead Muslims and dead thugs at the hands of police.”

“Well, you know, the sad thing is that a lot of people are buying into his way of thinking,” Carson responded, “and it’s very dangerous. We need to understand that America is a unique place. You can be, you can have an American dream. But is there a dream for any other place? I don’t think so. And we shouldn’t be so anxious to give it up, give up all our values and principles for the sake of political correctness.”