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Ben Carson Eyes HUD Secretary Role After Running Scam Presidential Campaign

After passing on consideration to become secretary of education, citing his lack of experience in government, former GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson is now thinking over Donald Trump’s offer to nominate him as the secretary of housing and urban development.

Carson, who was a neurosurgeon before entering politics, doesn’t seem to have any obvious qualifications for the job; as Ian Millhiser points out, his only background in housing seems to be voicing opposition to efforts to prevent housing discrimination.

It was barely more than a week ago that a spokesman for Carson said that he didn’t have enough experience to run a government agency.

Carson’s experience managing a presidential campaign was nothing short of disastrous: He even joked about how his own aides used donations from campaign supporters to profit handsomely by spending millions of dollars on their own firms.

Indeed, Carson’s campaign resembled a money-making scheme more than a serious political operation.

On his Facebook page today, Carson told supporters that an “announcement is forthcoming about my role in helping to make America great again.”