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Beck Warns That, Sixty Five Years From Now, Gay Activists Will Be Arresting Christians

Glenn Beck had a truly amazing segment on his radio broadcast today in which he played a fifty five year old audio clip of some district attorney in Florida sternly warning an audience of young people not to engage in homosexuality because they would be found out and arrested.

After playing the clip, Beck asserted that the man featured in the clip was "a monster" and that nobody today would ever dream of saying anything like that.

Oh really? Maybe Beck ought to take a look around our archives featuring post(link is external) after post(link is external) of contemporary Religious Right(link is external) leaders calling for(link is external) homosexuality to be criminalized in America and praising(link is external) foreign governments(link is external) for implementing draconian(link is external) anti-gay laws(link is external) in their countries(link is external). Heck, even Beck's best friend David Barton has said that homosexuality should be illegal(link is external) and regulated by the government(link is external).

Most ironic of all is the fact that Beck said this while wearing a hat in memory of his good friend Ken Hutcherson(link is external), who recently passed away, who was probably best knows for being a (link is external)vehemently(link is external) anti-gay(link is external) activist(link is external) who once called for a ban the promotion of homosexuality(link is external).

But then Beck took a step further and warned(link is external) that if America continues on its current course, sixty five years from now it will be progressives and gay activists who will be delivering statements like this to Christians, vowing to track them down wherever they are and toss them in prison: