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Beck: Allowing Satanic Display Is A Sign That 'Destruction Is Coming Our Way'

Among the five displays approved for the Florida Capitol this holiday season will be one produced the Satanic Temple and Glenn Beck is not pleased, warning that "destruction is coming our way."

Even though the Satanic Temple does not actually worship or even believe in a literal Satan, Beck's co-host Pat Gray was particularly upset by the news, insisting that the Constitution does not guarantee Satanists the right to equal treatment.

"There's nothing in the Constitution that says every religion is equal," he said. "There just isn't."

"I have news for ya," Beck chimed in, "destruction is coming our way."

Gray then returned to his cogent legal argument as to why other religions are not entitled to equal treatment under the law by explaining that "when Satanists come to you and say 'well, we want equal time,' you tell them 'tough, you're not getting it!'"

And why don't Satanists deserve equal time, according to Gray?

"Because you don't deserve it" ... unlike Christianity.

"Christianity has earned the right," Beck added, "not in the Dark Ages, but in this country, they have earned the right to be at the table":