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Barton's Deepening Dominionism

As we noted last week, David Barton has deep ties to the Seven Mountains Dominionist/New Apostolic Reformation movement.  In fact, at this very moment, Barton and Jim Garlow are participating in a "Government Transformation Summit For Visionary Leaders" summit [PDF] in Texas with one of the movement's key leaders, Ed Silvoso.

And today I just stumbled across this video posted on YouTube that Barton apparently recorded for something called the "Convergence Conference" which, based on the info posted on the YouTube page, seems to be a series of events behind put on by a group called The Federation of Ministers and Churches International:

The presence of Dutch Sheets and Hope Taylor of International Leadership Embassy on the FMCI's "Apostolic Leadership Team," along with all the talk of "releasing imprecatory prayers against the enemies of the Gospel" and the "commissioning of Kingdom leaders" suggests that this organization is deeply involved in NAR Dominionism ... as does this ten point declaration posted on the organization's website:

1. We are an apostolic family seeking the new wineskins of the 21st century Church and pursuing transformation of society and culture.

2. We are a prophetic army enlisted to contend with the spiritual forces in the earth who oppose the implementation of our Father’s will in history.

3. We are kingdom-envisioned people who cannot settle into the status quo of old wineskin organized religion.

4. We are a radical remnant that does not fit in with the popular religious culture and who cannot restrain ourselves in seeker friendly churches.

5. We are a transgenerational ministry that is breaking the spirit of fatherlessness and abortion in the land and loosing the inheritance of the sons of the Kingdom.

6. We are a commercial and economic force that is coming into coordination and wisdom so that the wealth of the wicked can be transferred to righteous covenant keepers.

7. We are an International Nation (the true UN) birthed in the power of Pentecost that has the strategies to bring the blessing of Abraham to all the nations and to hold the civil governments of the earth accountable to the One Who ordained their ministry.

8. We are a labor-force that is anointed to rebuild and reconstruct broken cities and nations according to the covenant law of the King of the Mountain.

9. We are Holy Ghost optimists: Though surrounded and hounded by pessimists who believe for the worst to happen in the world, we declare a hopeful and victorious future for the purposes and people of God.

10. We are a cause oriented, challenge oriented, mission oriented, dominion oriented company: we are Davids, Deborahs, Esthers, Daniels, Nehemiahs, Josephs, and Pauls.

Something to keep in mind the next time possible Republican presidential candidates like Mike Huckabee say everyone should be forced to listen to Barton at guinpoint and Newt Gingrich promises that Barton will play a key role in his presidential campaign.