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Barton And Other Religious Right Leaders Are 'Modern Day Judases' Who Will Be Held Accountable By God

A few weeks ago, End Times radio host Rick Wiles did an entire program on how Glenn Beck's unique brand of  Islamo-Mormon deistic universalism was dangerously leading his mostly Christian audience into heresy.

Earlier this week, Wiles returned to the topic with the help of anti-Mormon activist Bill Keller as the two spent an hour attacking David Barton and others who have worked and worshiped with Beck as "modern day Judases" who will be held accountable by God for "selling out the gospel for thirty pieces of silver":

Beck has really played that same game of finding - and I'm just going to be blunt - what I call modern day Judases who are willing to sell out the faith for money to basically stand next to Beck and give his lie that he's a Christian credibility.

Just so your audience understands, I don't care what Glenn Beck wants; If he thinks he's going to die and become the man in the moon, that's great, just like I don't care what Tom Cruise believes, obviously.  But the difference is Tom Cruise doesn't want to run around paying high-profile evangelicals to give credence to a lie that he's a Christian like Beck does.

And that's my whole issue with Beck and my bigger issue with guys like Barton, John Hagee, James Robison to name a few, Ralph Reed again.  People that have come alongside Beck, have utilized his media empire - that's been their lure - and in return, they never confront Beck on his false beliefs, they never speak out against this cult that is leading souls to Hell.  And so, I believe that God's really going to hold these people accountable for literally selling out the Gospel for thirty pieces of silver.