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Barton: Adding A Woman To The $10 Bill Would 'Denigrate' The Treasury Department And Our Entire Economic System

Last month, the Treasury Department announced that a woman would be featured on the $10 bill when it is redesigned in 2020 and David Barton was so outraged that he brought the National Review's Quin Hillyer onto his "WallBuilders Live" radio program today to explain why this decision is so "outrageous and ignorant."

As Hillyer explained, the change is really nothing more than an attempt to "erase our history."

"I think there is something worse afoot," he said. "You combine this with all sort of other things they've done and it looks to me like they literally want to erase our history, especially the respect in which our founding is held. They want to remake this country; in fact, as Obama said, to transform America, and you don't transform America from what it was without trying to erase what it was. And part of the erasure involves making everybody forget what the values were, what the principles were that guided our founding. And so they want to destroy respect for those values and principles and this is part of that mission."

"People really do need to get outraged and stay outraged about this," Hillyer continued, "because this isn't just about a face on a bill, this is about maintaining, preserving, respecting, honoring the history, the good history of the greatest nation ever created on earth."

For his part, Barton claimed that adding a woman to the $10 bill would "denigrate" the Department of Treasury and, by extension, our entire economic system, while Barton's co-host Rick Green declared that such a move would be "bad news for the history of our country."