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BarbWire's New Columnist Wants Gays Jailed For Twelve Years

This weekend, Matt Barber’s BarbWire published a column by former Indiana lawmaker Don Boys, who recounted his attempt to recriminalize sodomy:

The committee hearing room at the Indiana Capitol Building was packed, mostly with the media and opponents to my bill to reinstate sodomy as a crime, as it had been in Indiana for about a hundred years. My opponents all had their allotted time to oppose my bill, and one was a professor at Indiana University. He said that homosexuals “only wanted to be left alone.” I laughed.

In defense of my bill I told him that sodomy should be a crime again to give police officials authority to stop the cruising in city parks, sex in public restrooms, and discourage molesting of little boys. I ended by saying that homosexuals want much more than to be left alone. “They want respectability. They want to move into a house in the suburbs, park matching Volvos in the driveway and be accepted as normal people; but that won’t happen as long as Christians live in this state.” In recent years, homosexuals have demanded and received not only acceptance and approval, but even applause. We are told it is even commendable and courageous to practice perversion. And even Bible-oriented church leaders have joined the chorus!

In a 2009 column, which closely resembles his BarbWire post, Boys explained that he wanted to make homosexuality a crime punishable up to twelve years in prison:

Politicians, professors, preachers, pundits, perverts, and ordinary people packed the committee room at the Indiana State Capital in October of 1978. The occasion was the introduction of my bill to make sodomy illegal again in Indiana, as it had been for a hundred years. In fact, I used the same language that was the original law before radicals repealed it a couple years before I was elected to the Indiana House of Representatives.

After I made my case for the bill, quoting classic studies from highly reputable experts that supported my position that homosexuals are not “born that way,” do recruit, do molest far more than heterosexuals do, and are very dangerous people, the chairman asked for comments. Two preachers came to my defense then the opposition from Indiana University, the media, and academia came down hard on me and my bill. You might think that I was suggesting cameras in every bedroom and stringing up homosexuals from the maple trees on the capital lawn. Or, as Thomas Jefferson suggested, that they be castrated! No, I only suggested 12 years in prison as had been the law for many years.

A professor spoke in defense of sodomy enumerating some famous homosexuals in history. All he proved was that some famous people in history were sexual deviates! No one disputes that. Some famous people in history were drunks, child molesters, thieves, wife beaters, and killers. I could not restrain myself and laughed in his face and into the cameras when the professor declared that King David and Jonathan “were lovers,” (something I had never heard before that time).

The column ended with a call to keep gays either in jail or the closet, along with the patently false claim that the Shepard-Byrd Hate Crimes Law would “make this column illegal.”

The Federal Government is considering the outcome of the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Bill that would penalize decent Christians and protect pedophiles and would make this column illegal and expose me to a prison term. So be it.

Bring back anti-sodomy laws in each state. At least it might keep some of them deep inside the closet if they aren’t in prison and that’s better than nothing.

The new BarbWire columnist also believes that America is about to be destroyed by God:

President Obama committed political suicide when he climbed in bed with the homosexual crowd (figuratively, I hope). It doesn’t matter whether he was following an orchestrated script or not. The results are the same. American liberal politicians have been sniffing around this issue for many years, but now it is official, and that could be dangerous for Obama and America. God is not pleased and it is a dangerous thing to displease a sovereign, holy God! Look at Sodom!

It is trite but true that God destroyed Sodom because of the sin of perversion. Genesis 19 clearly records that the whole city was given over to sodomy. When the majority of the city supported perversion, God destroyed the city. America, watch out! We are ripe for ruin! We could be there today, especially when so many politicians, media personalities, and now the official representative of all Americans have chosen to disobey God, deny the Scriptures, and defy common sense. They are saying that sodomy is acceptable and respectable, but God says it is abominable and reprehensible.