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BarbWire Warns That Obama Is The Antichrist Who Was Put Into Office By Satan

Last week, BarbWire's director of development Tristan Emmanuel wrote a column for the website fuming that other Christians refuse to acknowledge the obvious fact that President Obama is probably the Antichrist:

Obama, has supported abortion on demand and thwarted religious freedom via his many domestic policies – Obama Care, and Gay “Marriage” to name only two. He continues to associate with members of the Muslim Brotherhood, he has revealed his antipathy towards Israel, and continues to preach tolerance for Islam while chastising Christians.

Let me put it this way: not only is Obama the most powerful jihadist in the World – he is in my estimation anti-Christ – if not the Anti-Christ foretold in the book of Revelation.

Revelation chapter thirteen makes it very clear that the anti-Christ would be a worker of wonders and seducer of the world. And that he would systematically seek to destroy the Seed of Christ on the earth.

The Anti-Christ of the book of Revelation is an individual who wields world-wide power and world-wide influence. His hatred for Christ and the people of Christ is legendary and very real.

To any observant individual Obama embodies all the characteristics of the legendary nemesis.

Obama’s reaction to the suffering of people such as Pastor Sayeed in Iran is, if nothing else, a manifestation of anti-Christian bigotry. And frankly, I wouldn’t surprise me if he goes down as history’s Anti-Christ of Revelation.

This week, Emmanuel followed that up with another column calling on Christians to demand Obama's impeachment because he was put into office by Satan:

How dare I equate Obama to Satan?

Yes, Obama is just a man. But in our modern era no leader of prominence has managed a rise to such heights with absolutely no qualifying credentials whatsoever.

No one!

How do you explain the Usurper’s rise to power other then that “principalities and powers of darkness” have coalesced around his person, around his administration, aided his efforts, breathed intellectual life to his policy, guided him, enabling him and worked an uncanny level of success and global veneration?

How is Satan not the source of it all?

Sure the comparison is unnerving to any reasonable person. But it’s unnerving precisely because it is impossible to ignore.

And consider the result of this demonic rise. Unlike any president of the modern area Obama has used his power previous left of center president (including Bill Clinton) Obama has used his power to rail against the moral underpinnings of America’s Christian heritage, mock Christians, rebuke Christians, trivialized Christian teaching and turn a blind eye to the persecution of Christians all the while aiding Islamists.

And yet Christians continue to be apathetic about the Usurper’s tenure.

But its not simply a passive complicity that implicates us in the evil that now grips the nation. Many of us give credence to the growing mythology about Obama.

The mythology that says Obama is simply a “misguided progressive” or a “liberal secularist” or an “egotistical power grubber.” Countless pundits echo this ridiculous notion and Christians are complicit in echoing it – what is it about our inability to name the evil for what it is?

To explain away Obama’s manifest and manifold political evil as “he’s just mistakenly arrogant” trivializes the very real evil that surrounds his entire presidency.


Obama is not your average or normal president. Obama is the threat! He is the enemy that occupies the seat of our government and trust me, he not go away peaceably.

If at all possible impeach the Usurper now!