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BarbWire Pundit: War On Christmas And Obama Foreign Policy Will Cause God To Destroy U.S.

Writing today in the conservative outlet BarbWire, Dr. J.P. Sloane suggests(link is external) that President Bush’s approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict brought about Hurricane Katrina and Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon’s fatal stroke. Sloane describes such incidents as acts of God meant to punish the U.S. for not sufficiently supporting Israel as well as Sharon for bowing to U.S pressure.

Now, the right-wing commentator claims, President Obama may bring about “the destruction of America” due to his treatment of Israel. 

Not only is the Obama administration’s foreign policy putting American at risk of divine retribution, Sloane writes, but so is the country’s “Paganistic heathen slope of perversions” and the supposed War on Christmas.

While the White House is pushing Congress to not levy anymore sanctions on the terrorist nation of Iran, it seeks to impose sanctions on the only democracy and best friend of the United States, the small nation of Israel. Israel is 2 1/3 times smaller than California’s San Bernardino County, as opposed to Israel’s enemies who total the size of the whole of the United States of America. What could the Obama Administration be thinking? Who would advise the Obama Administration to do such a thing? We would be presumptuous to make any claim, but the Muslim Brotherhood does come to mind.

In the Bible we see how God uses acts of weather and nations to bring disaster to people who thumb their noses at Him. Consider when we forced Israel to give up Gaza “for peace” and the Israelis had to force their own people to not only vacate Gaza—but do the unthinkable—dig up the graves of their dead and – unceremoniously – take their exhumed corpses with them. Be forewarned America—God is not mocked (Galatians 6:7).

The day the Bush Administration leaned on Israel’s Prime Minister, Arial Sharon, to withdraw from the Gaza, turbulence began to stir in the Mid-Atlantic which became known as “Katrina!” Shortly after the removal of the Jews and their dead from Gaza, Katrina hit the city of New Orleans, breaching the city’s levy at what is known in New Orleans as “the West Bank!” Thousands of New Orleans citizens were flooded from their homes, and many sought shelter in other states. On the heels of the Jews being forced to remove their dead from Gaza, New Orleans was giving up some of its dead from the above ground crypts that dot the city. (In New Orleans they have to bury the dead above ground due to the city being below sea level.) In December—on the heels of the Gaza pullout and America’s Katrina disaster—Prime Minister Ariel Sharon—who capitulated to the Bush Administration’s demand to pull out of Gaza—was stricken with a stroke which left him in a comma until his death in January of this year.

Friends, what we are seeing is the reason America is not mentioned as a world power in Bible end times prophecy. As America continues to travel down the Paganistic heathen slope of perversions—and atheists attacking Christians and Jews—while Muslims are celebrating their holidays in the very capital of our country—yes in our very own White House—Christmas—a legal American holiday—is under attack on a regular annual basis! Obama has reduced our Navy to a weakened state not seen since before 1917, and our overall military strength is at pre-World War Two levels!

As for the Obama Administration—sanctions against Israel? Divide Jerusalem and make East Jerusalem the capital of a pseudo-nation called Palestine—really Obama? Are you sure you want to go there and have as your legacy that you were the President who reigned over the destruction of America and brought about the demise of the late, great United States?