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BarbWire Pundit: 'Obama Stands With The Islamic Terrorists'

Right-wing commentator Sher Zieve took to BarbWire today to suggest that President Obama’s absence from a march in Paris condemning the Charlie Hebdo attacks proves that “Obama stands with the Islamic terrorists…not with the humans…and he always has.”

Zieve, who has previously claimed that Obama is a demon who worships Satan, believes that Americans should take to the streets, as the Egyptians did, to overthrow “Big Boss Obama” before he succeeds in his plan to “totally destroy the USA and subjugate its people with his growing Police State.”

Along with millions of others, I watched almost all the Western world’s leaders–save one–standing in Paris against Islamists and for the right to free speech after the malevolent and bloody onslaught. I thought it interesting and potentially stalwart but, then asked myself why didn’t these leaders stop the influx of ravenous and unrelenting Islam into their countries earlier? I also thought–as I suspect most if not all of the world leaders did–that Obama stands with the Islamic terrorists…not with the humans…and he always has. I hope all of the aforementioned leaders know that now.

Because he support [sic] the Islamic bloodlusters and the march didn‘t glorify him, Obama was a no-show and instead sent lackey Eric Holder–who made the statement that the Obama regime (aka syndicate) is “at war with lone wolf terrorists.” I guess that means they didn’t really care about the multiple terrorists performing attacks in Paris. Eric Holder looked bored and not at all pleased to be there. The Obama syndicate will not be swayed by what Big Boss Obama considers to be unimportant and petty attacks on our neighbors and allies while he is working to totally destroy the USA and subjugate its people with his growing Police State. Besides, as mentioned before, it wasn’t about him anyway and he wouldn’t be able to take his “selfies” with world leaders. Darn!

Like Yul Bryner in the Ten Commandments, Obama is now simply barking orders as to what will be done and which new laws he commands be effected. And–thus far– still no one is stopping him. I suggest that it’s long past time that We-the-People started using the muscles we, at least, used to have. How many countries’ people have fought against tyranny over the last five years, while we ignored our own? Now is the time, folks, as there will be no other unless we rise up and stop them. Congress and, disappointingly, even SCOTUS has shown that they want to be part of the class that rules over us. There is only one governmental branch larger than the ObamaGov…and that’s us. It’s time we started marching in earnest to stop the tyrants in their track. If Egypt can do it…why can’t we? So let it be written…so let it be done!