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BarbWire Pundit: Obama Planning Genocide Against White People

Sher Zieve, a columnist for Matt Barber’s conspiracy theory outlet BarbWire, is the latest right-wing pundit to cite the death of Kate Steinle, who was recently killed by an undocumented immigrant in a shooting in San Francisco, to attack President Obama.

According to Zeive, Obama is trying to “ignore” the “murders of young white women” because he is a satanic leader bent on killing all white people.

“For any of you who happen to be white, you’re in deep trouble and it’s getting worse,” she wrote last week. “Obama has placed minorities in a special class and whites with targets on their backs. As I’ve written before, Obama and his syndicate are working overtime to begin a race war. He will have it or begin his personal genocide of…guess who? As usual, we’ll be forced to fight for our lives or accept our slaughter by the hands of a Luciferian tyrant.”

Someone had to say it plainly: to the Obama Administration white lives don’t matter.

At the highest levels of the US government, minority criminals who caused their own deaths via their own actions are extolled over and over again while Obama representatives attend one funeral after another and Obama publicly and often offers his “condolences” to the families.

So, illegals crossing our Southern border—which Obama has demanded not be stopped by the US Border Patrol—come to the USA to murder those they cannot in Mexico…especially and apparently murders of young white women whom Obama will simply and loudly-with-his -ongoing-silence ignore.

For any of you who happen to be white, you’re in deep trouble and it’s getting worse. Obama has placed minorities in a special class and whites with targets on their backs.

As I’ve written before, Obama and his syndicate are working overtime to begin a race war. He will have it or begin his personal genocide of…guess who? As usual, we’ll be forced to fight for our lives or accept our slaughter by the hands of a Luciferian tyrant. And I suspect, tragically, that all too many are ready to die.

After all, it’s better than being called a racist…by minority racists. Right?