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BarbWire Pundit: Obama Is 'Trying To Find Ways To Imprison' His Opponents

It was only a matter of time before completely insane right-wing pundit Sher Zieve began writing for Matt Barber’s new conservative outlet BarbWire.

Her opening column does not fail to disappoint.

Zieve writes today that President Obama “has invited [immigrants] into the country as a foreign invasion force to replace US citizens and help him bring down the USA,” because he seeks the “destruction of the American people” and is working with allies towards “actively suppressing (and trying to find ways to imprison) their opposition.”

She also warns that the “faux POTUS” hopes to “replac[e] all Islamic Shia countries with Islamic Sunnis” and “kill free speech for conservatives and those of non-Islamic religions…especially Christians and Jews.”

“He was primed for and hired by his masters to destroy America…annihilate it…and he’s done his job well.”

Over last weekend, it finally got out–despite suppression from the White House and the media–that the Mexican drug cartels/human traffickers are now firing .50 caliber ammo at our USBP Agents. These are bullets that can reach their targets as much as a mile away. This is an act of war. Yet, neither the Pretend POTUS and Dictator-in-Chief Barack Hussein Obama nor any of his minions comment on it at all. Neither does Obama try to stop the thousands of illegals (largely gang members, drug cartels/human traffickers and Islamists…not children) that he has invited into the country as a foreign invasion force to replace US citizens and help him bring down the USA. Besides, he’s already decimated most of the US military, demanded the Border Patrol “stand down” and no longer attempt to stop anyone entering the USA while placing them on diaper and baby-sitting duties for the children coming in with their parents. What difference do some USBP deaths–or any additional US citizen deaths–mean to him? He does, after all, have a one-month vacation in August coming up.

Recently, Obama barely commented on the passenger plane that was shot down, apparently by the Russians or their “rebels,” over Russian-held Eastern Ukraine. Instead, he initially called it a “possible tragedy” and then continued on to another fund-raiser. Possible tragedy? Everyone on board was already known to have been killed and it’s a “possible” tragedy? Note: From Obama, there‘s never any wasted–or any at all–compassion. He’s shown that to us all with his destruction of the American people via killing their economy, encouraging them not to work while he destroys jobs and businesses, bringing on the demise of healthcare (Hint: ObamaCare does not provide healthcare), allowing foreign invasions of any and all comers via the US Southern border who are bringing in deadly diseases and being transported to multiple States; without telling the leaders of said States where he’s had them “dumped.” Yes, folks, he’s doing his job extremely well. And still no one is stopping him. Apparently, we have way too many suicidal citizens in the country now.

With regards to the growing war between Israel and Hamas, the Obama position has been and remains telling Israel–the only democratic country in the Middle East– to be careful not to kill too many of the aggressors trying to destroy them. Over the years, it has become painfully obvious that Obama’s foreign policy consists of replacing all Islamic Shia countries with Islamic Sunnis. After all, his supposed family is Sunni and its members are Muslim Brotherhood; that same Muslim Brotherhood is now largely–in de facto modality–running and ruling over the U.S. government. Anything else non-domestic doesn’t really interest the faux POTUS. He was primed for and hired by his masters to destroy America…annihilate it…and he’s done his job well. But, the complete destruction of the USA is tiresome to him and rather a bother. And he does, after all, have a one-month vacation in August coming up. Priorities must be set!

Obama, Eric Holder and the lion’s share of congressional Democrats still try to downplay the despicable behaviors of Lois Lerner, apparently many if not most of the IRS agents and now the FEC in their attempts to kill free speech for conservatives and those of non-Islamic religions…especially Christians and Jews. Obama and his syndicate have not followed U.S. law and have been actively suppressing (and trying to find ways to imprison) their opposition since entering what was once our White House. So, why would they start now? The Obama syndicate is now in all-out dismantling-of-the-USA push and does not intend to be stopped by anyone. Past experience tells them that no one will even really try to do so. Besides, they’ve been getting away with treason–and no consequences for their actions–on an almost daily basis since Obama usurped the Office of POTUS.

Does anyone see and hear what’s really happening here? Does anyone care? Hello…