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BarbWire Pundit: Obama Is Enslaving People, Unlike The Founding Fathers

Writing this week in BarbWire, Sher Zieve warns that the passage of the omnibus spending bill last month proves that Republicans in Congress have been unwilling to “remove the cancer” destroying the U.S., partly due to the fact that people are afraid “of being called a ‘racist’ if they oppose the country’s enslavement of its citizens with replacement of illegal ones and totalitarian leftist policies.”

Zieve, who has previously written about Obama’s dictatorial, anti-white, Islamic and satanic ambitions, urges readers to try and “pull our country out of the Luciferian Left morass” and to “rededicate this country to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and … return to the principles upon which this country was founded. For those who graduated high school after the 1960s, those principles do not and never did include slavery or suppression. Remember that the ‘new’ Obama-Principles do.”

With ongoing acts of patent lunacy—or the darker reason…collaboration—the Republican-controlled US Congress refuses to remove the cancer eating away at Washington D.C. just as the Democrats have done for decades. Instead, the aforementioned Congress seems to prefer the ultimate demise-for-lack-of-proper-care that will soon be the cause of death. One of the primary reasons used as an excuse is the now cliché false fear of being called a “racist” if they oppose the country’s enslavement of its citizens with replacement of illegal ones and totalitarian leftist policies.

Note…at some point almost all politicians become leftists in order to enrich themselves and they begin to view their constituencies as “the great unwashed masses” who are beneath them. They, then, begin to use any inane excuse to draw curious eyes away from what they’re really doing. And, at some point it no longer matters on which side they pretend to be, because it’s the side that solely enriches them.

After passing the “Omnibus” bill—which already includes all sorts of snakes and vermin including, but not limited to, fully funding Planned Parenthood, ObamaCare and the resettlement of Syrians “refugees” and other thousands of assorted Muslims into our country—our replacements—Speaker of the House and Boehner clone Paul Ryan patted himself on the back for passing another bill in the House which eliminates ObamaCare and defunds Planned Parenthood. Do you remember when Paul Ryan said that he’d wait to pass the omnibus bill until after a new POTUS is elected…then passed it in the middle of the night ala Harry Reid and the rest of the Marxist Dems? I watched the video (see second Source below) and even Ryan seems to have difficulty not laughing (watch his facial expressions) when he states more of his own rather apparent lies.

Should American citizens become involved in government, organizations such as Planned Parenthood abortuaries and a Bureau of Land Management gone rogue (and for all intents and purposes is now a mercenary institution reporting to the highest bidder) would not be allowed to exist. These—and others oppressive to the people that are now prevalent—would have been stopped in their tracks before their power became so great.

By now, most of us should be—and I believe are—fully awake to the clear and present dangers which face our country and us. More and more citizens are becoming active. Keep it up, grow you numbers and we might actually be able—with courage and lots of work—be able to pull our country out of the Luciferian Left morass. I don’t, however, believe we can do it with the vast majority of those currently in power. Nothing less than a sea change is required.

Another step—and I believe the most important if America USA is to survive in any form at all—is to rededicate this country to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and to return to the principles upon which this country was founded. For those who graduated high school after the 1960s, those principles do not and never did include slavery or suppression. Remember that the “new” Obama-Principles do.