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BarbWire Pundit: Fight Satan By Voting For Donald Trump

Last week, right-wing commentator Sher Zieve took to BarbWire to warn that Donald Trump is facing criticism from inside and outside the GOP because “the ruling class members” know that he will thwart their plans for creating “a One-World Government” and retaining “their cushy, lucrative and powerful positions by dismantling all rights — and are in the process of doing so — of the proletariat (you know who-us) so that all elections in the future will have a predetermined outcome, for them, not for us.”

Leaders who are doing the bidding of these nefarious forces, Zieve said, “are destroying their own countries,” “flooding their countries with replacement voters and terrorists” and “passing new ‘anti-hate’ laws to shut the people up and keep them from complaining about their own enslavement.”

Backing Trump, she concluded, is the best way to fight these satanic leaders: “If all, or most, of the already-identified Luciferian 'bad guys and gals' are against Trump, at this juncture, I’m for him! How about you?”

Let’s face it, folks. The ruling class members — worldwide — are closer than they’ve ever been to a One-World Government and they do not intend to allow “upstart” Donald Trump to take the YUGE prize of the US presidency. This class has even inveigled the most listened to talk Radio “gurus” to trash Trump. Even the ‘top of the class’ hosts appear to have been persuaded to do so.

The world “leaders” intend to retain their cushy, lucrative and powerful positions by dismantling all rights — and are in the process of doing so — of the proletariat (you know who-us) so that all elections in the future will have a predetermined outcome, for them, not for us. Heck, it worked extremely well for Obama and this is a model they plan to reuse over and over again!

In the meantime said leaders are destroying their own countries (Obama was extremely excited and happy to do it) by obliterating their economies, flooding their countries with replacement voters and terrorists (so that the citizens of those countries would be overwhelmed and unable to respond quickly enough toward fighting them off) and passing new “anti-hate” laws to shut the people up and keep them from complaining about their own enslavement. If they do, in many countries (think Sweden for one) they’re arrested and placed in prison.

Our country is as close to its end as it’s ever been. If all, or most, of the already-identified Luciferian “bad guys and gals” are against Trump, at this juncture, I’m for him! How about you?

“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” Ephesians 6:12