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BarbWire: 'Homo-Maniacal' Gays Will Put Christians In Cattle Cars

BarbWire columnist John Biver announced today that from now on he will describe gay rights advocates as “homo-maniacal,” even including in his column an image, from a post making fun of Jerry Falwell in The Oatmeal, of a giant gay steamroller that is being used to crush people:

Biver took the phrase from fellow BarbWire commentator Jeff Allen.

Earlier this week, Allen authored a column about how gay rights must be defeated like Nazi Germany. Quoting from Winston Churchill’s famous “Blood, Sweat and Tears” speech, Allen said: “That’s the attitude and spirit of a victor, and that’s also why the Allied powers beat the Gestapo then, and we, if we too remain united, can beat the ‘gay’-stapo today!”

Just in case you didn’t get the hint, he included a rainbow swastika flag.

Allen criticized Ross Douthat’s column on how conservatives should react to a Supreme Court decision that legalizes same-sex marriage in all fifty states, and pointed to posts from Mark Joseph Stern of Slate and author John Saul as proof that “the homo-fascists” would “love to sadistically” punish anti-gay activists.

“True American rights and freedoms are being trampled underfoot by the bullies of decadence. The homo-maniacal plans for all traditionalists sound quite unpleasant, not to mention being a clear violation of our First Amendment rights,” Allen writes. “Ah, heck, while the homosexual hordes are busy burning the 'Reichstag,' why not throw in the U.S. Constitution, and the Declaration of the Independence for good measure, as a little more fuel on the ‘gay rights’ fire.”

The Nazi analogies get only more transparent: “It will either be full capitulation to the homosexual agenda…or it will be re-education, incarceration, bankruptcy, marginalization, and state-sanctioned ridicule…or worse…are there any available cattle cars around? That’s what Stern, Farrell and many of their ilk would love to see happen should they get their wicked way.”

Two recent articles written by Mark Joseph Stern (Slate) and John Saul (Huffington Post) reveal what the homo-fascists have in mind and what they would love to sadistically do to those who have been, or still are, in opposition them.

Douthat is either absolutely uninformed or willfully ignorant when it comes to the pernicious aims of the homosexual “movement,” but there is absolutely NO excuse for either of those possibilities. All anyone has to do is to look around, open their eyes, and see what’s happening everywhere across this country with increasing and horrifying regularity. True American rights and freedoms are being trampled underfoot by the bullies of decadence.

The homo-maniacal plans for all traditionalists sound quite unpleasant, not to mention being a clear violation of our First Amendment rights. Ah, heck, while the homosexual hordes are busy burning the “Reichstag,” why not throw in the U.S. Constitution, and the Declaration of the Independence for good measure, as a little more fuel on the “gay rights” fire … since we’re apparently not using them anymore. A scorched earth policy is certainly the order of the day for this new breed of homo-fascists.

There are apparently no plans for some sort of Geneva Convention for the moral non-conformist prisoners-of-war. Little or no mercy will be shown to true Christians and the remaining conservative pockets of resistance. It will either be full capitulation to the homosexual agenda…or it will be re-education, incarceration, bankruptcy, marginalization, and state-sanctioned ridicule…or worse…are there any available cattle cars around? That’s what Stern, Farrell and many of their ilk would love to see happen should they get their wicked way. Chillingly, there are many just like these two Leftist publishers of perversity, and they have the money of Hollywood, the megaphone of the media, the muscle of a rogue judiciary, and the might of a corrupted government to back them up. And Douthat’s cowardly concession will only serve to inflame the anti-morality fascists, as if they needed any more help.

Ultimately, the point is this: Surrender should never be an option for two very abundantly clear reasons. First, there is the unmistakable clarion call of God to uphold and defend his moral and biblical standards in civil society. For history has unmistakably shown that no nation or culture has long remained strong and vibrant after abandoning their moral underpinnings. Second, for those like Douthat who might remotely consider the imprudent possibility of cowardly capitulation, Stern and Saul have made their sinister schemes of subjugation for the Christians and all moral traditionalists abundantly clear, and it isn’t pretty. It’s flat out frightening!

The resolute words of Winston Churchill in his Blood, Sweat and Tears speech, ringing in my ears right now, are quite apropos to the moment at hand:

Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous States have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule, we shall not flag or fail.
We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France,
we shall fight on the seas and oceans,
we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be,
we shall fight on the beaches,
we shall fight on the landing grounds,
we shall fight in the fields and in the streets,
we shall fight in the hills;
we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God’s good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.

That’s the attitude and spirit of a victor, and that’s also why the Allied powers beat the Gestapo then, and we, if we too remain united, can beat the “gay”-stapo today!

Considering all of the heinous plans of the militant homosexuals (above), I for one will certainly not consider conceding a single inch of ground to the abhorrent “gay” agenda. The lovers of God and his truth shall never surrender, no matter what the Douthat’s of the world may say! He might be willing to raise the white flag of surrender, but the faithful followers of Christ will keep His banner lifted high!