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BarbWire: Gay Rights 'Has Its Roots In Hell,' Championed By 'Godless Human Minions Of Satan'

BarbWire columnist Gina Miller is upset about beer companies dropping their support for St. Patrick’s Day parades that discriminate against gays, warning that “the rapid, head-spinning empowerment of the radical homosexual movement under Barack Obama (or whatever his name is) is part of God’s judgment on this nation.”

She adds that people and companies who have “caved to the homo-fascist pink fist” need to know that “homosexual behavior is depraved behavior” and will always be sinful “no matter how thick and smothering the black blanket of Sodom and Gomorrah ends up being in the United States.” In fact, Miller warns that gay rights laws are part of Obama’s “brutal tyranny” and their “roots in Hell.”

“Many of us are watching the dark clouds of evil that are rolling across America, and we are saying it’s the Lord’s judgment on a nation that has spit in His holy face by using the force of law to expel all vestiges of Him and His Truth from the public square,” Miller warns. “The Godless human minions of Satan are aggressively working to use the force of law to mandate perversity all across our land, in all our institutions, government, military and corporations.”

Erin go Gay, as they say today! In the latest high-profile example of large companies bowing in subservience to the altar of homosexual debauchery, three major brewing corporations have bent to homosexual intimidation and pulled their sponsorship of the New York and Boston St. Patrick’s Day parades. The makers of Guinness, Heineken and Sam Adams beers have all caved to the homo-fascist pink fist, while countless conservatives have sworn never to buy those beer brands again.

The militant homosexual activists wrongly declare that this is about “equality.” That is nonsense. Homosexual behavior is depraved behavior, and it should never be put on the same level as the normal, healthy relationship between a man and wife. The only thing to which homosexual behavior is equal is sin, because that’s exactly what it is and what it will always be, no matter how thick and smothering the black blanket of Sodom and Gomorrah ends up being in the United States.

Many of us are watching the dark clouds of evil that are rolling across America, and we are saying it’s the Lord’s judgment on a nation that has spit in His holy face by using the force of law to expel all vestiges of Him and His Truth from the public square. I firmly believe this is true. I also believe that the rapid, head-spinning empowerment of the radical homosexual movement under Barack Obama (or whatever his name is) is part of God’s judgment on this nation. Obama himself is part of God’s judgment. Many times in the Old Testament, we have seen the Lord inspire the enemies of Israel to come against it and defeat it when it turned from the Lord. He has installed wicked rulers to impose brutal tyranny on unrepentant people and nations.

No, it’s not at all the kind of law of America’s foundation. It is a strange law, but not a new one. It’s ancient and has its roots in Hell. The Godless human minions of Satan are aggressively working to use the force of law to mandate perversity all across our land, in all our institutions, government, military and corporations. These three beer makers are just the latest to publicly cave.

There is no doubt that America is on a very dark road, and how bad it’s going to get remains to be seen. We are now being ruled by truly evil people with reprobate minds who have nothing but disdain for the God of all creation. The American people themselves, demonstrating their own moral decay, have voted these leaders into office, although I know that ultimately, it is God in His judgment Who has installed these tyrants to rule over us.