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BarbWire Contributor Says 'Homosexual Leaders Are The Most Vile, Vicious, And Vitriolic People In The World'

We have to admit that the launch of Matt Barber's "BarbWire" website has been a real boon to our blogging efforts as its mission seems to be to scour the internet in an effort to find the most virulently anti-gay pieces it can and then publish them all in the same place, thereby saving us a lot of work and giving us a constant source of content.

Case in point is today's piece by Don Boys laying out his disgust over Michael Sam kissing his boyfriend upon being drafted by the St. Louis Rams, which features a modified version of Peter LaBarbera's censored image with the word "sin" placed over the kiss that is labeled as "grosssamsinkiss.jpg":

Boys calls for boycott of both ESPN and the NFL while attacking "homosexual leaders" as "the most vile, vicious, and vitriolic people in the world" and lamenting that nobody is allowed to use words like "sodomite" and "pervert" anymore while talking about how gays engage in "fisting" and "rimming":

I would be outraged if my children or grandchildren had seen that depravity. Even if one’s sexual activities are private in the bedroom, they should not be public on national television. However, they seem not to be interested in keeping them private. When will normal people start making such hypocrites pay for their deception? No decent person should watch ESPN again. In the interest of higher ratings or, conversely, in the interest in promoting perversion, the network has earned the disdain, distrust, and disgust of the American people. STOP is suggesting that anyone with a modicum of decency stop watching ESPN and NFL games.

Sam declared on a network television show, “I have gotten messages from college and NFL players and other athletes … about how courageous I was.” Oh, yes. Those fleeing the closet are always “courageous,” “brave,” “historic,” but never narcissistic, fame seekers, or manipulative. The fascists at the Homosexual Lobby are thrilled that Sam has strolled out of the closet in support of their twisted, tangled, tawdry agenda. The homosexual leaders are the most vile, vicious, and vitriolic people in the world. However, they label as haters and bigots those of us who disagree with them, criticize them, and declare that homosexuality is wrong, has always been wrong and will always be wrong and no President, Supreme Court or Legislature can change that fact.

President Obama even magnified the gross actions by gushing, “From the playing field to the corporate boardroom, LGBT Americans prove every day that you should be judged by what you do and not who you are.” I certainly agree with that but no one wants to discuss what homosexuals do! They don’t just lock lips, hold hands, and bake cookies. Want to discuss “fisting”? No, no, not that. Too gross. How about “rimming”? No, not that, for sure. Well, how about “water sports”? No, better not. So, we are not to make a judgment based on what they do. The whole bunch are sanctimonious hypocrites.

We have witnessed in a stunning short time the normalization of sodomy in America. It is strange that homosexuals can do, say and advocate almost anything, no matter how crude or lewd and when a normal person disagrees, he is plummeted into submission. Whatever happened to the right to discuss, debate, and disagree over an issue in a civil matter? Furthermore, the use of good, time-honored words such as “sodomite,” “pervert,” and “deviant” are not uncivil, unkind, or untrue.


Michael Sam was wrong. Homosexuality is abnormal, aberrational, and afflictive and I love him enough to tell him the truth: homosexual behavior is disgraceful, dangerous and deadly. However, his supporters are greasing the skids for him as he slides further into a life of shame, sordidness and, yes, sin.And sin has repercussions!

Sam has also brought additional stigma upon a profession already known for its druggies, thugs, rapists, and killers. And now, his new team mates have to decide: to shower or not to shower.